China Personified

From their website:

Founded in the Spring of 2012 in New York, China Personified LLC (華人格化) has grown from a media start-up to a social enterprise with personal storytelling at its heart. Through a digital media platform with personal blogs and video profiles such as “Dreams & Dreamers” and “Headliners & Heroes”, China Personified has established a global reputation for attracting and interacting with the next generation of leaders and consumers who travel between China and America. We have created brand identities and video stories that resonate with an expanding network of bilingual (Chinese & English) millennials from China and America. 

Last Updated: July 25, 2016

Made in China Robot turned Creative Human

China Personified
At age 19, Mojia Shen knew where she came from, what she was expected to do, and she had worked hard to follow rules, fulfill everyone’s expectation, earn her marks and deliver results.  Then came a surprise.  When she got...