Sinica Podcast
From their website:
A weekly discussion of current affairs in China with journalists, writers, academics, policy makers, business people and anyone with something compelling to say about the country that's reshaping the world. Hosted by Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn and powered by Each week, Kuo and Goldkorn talk about China-related topics with a range of guests including prominent China-based journalists, academics, authors, bloggers, and subject area experts. Guests have included reporters like Gady Epstein of The Economist; Edward Wong, Andrew Jacobs, and Ian Johnson of The New York Times; Evan Osnos of The New Yorker; Mary Kay Magistad of Public Radio International’s The World; Tania Branigan of The Guardian; Li Xin of Caixin; Jamil Anderlini of The Financial Times; John Garnaut of The Sydney Morning Herald; and Jeremy Page and Josh Chin of The Wall Street Journal.
Sinica has also hosted scholars like Geremie Barmé of Australian National University, Victor Mair of the University of Pennsylvania, and Jeffrey Wasserstrom of University of California, Irvine, as well as authors like Pankaj Mishra (From the Ruins of Empire: The Intellectuals Who Remade Asia, Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2012) and Tom Miller (China’s Urban Billion: The Story Behind the Biggest Migration in Human History, Zed Books 2012). The hosts and guests also make a few recommendations at the end of each show—articles, books, documentaries, films, or other things that might be of interest to China watchers.
Launched in April 2010, the podcast is recorded in various locations in China, the USA, and around the world.
Sinica Podcast
China’s Ideological Spectrum
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Styling It in China
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Cyber Leninism and the Political Culture of the Chinese Internet
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Comfort Women and the Struggle for Reparations
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Under the Dome
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Keep in Touch, Nightman
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Business and F*cking in China
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
The Changing Look of China, Myanmar, and Visual Journalism—A Chat With Jonah Kessel
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Shanghai and the Future Now
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast
Inside the Property Revolution
from Sinica PodcastSinica Podcast