East Asian Summit: Issues for Congress

Fundamental shifts underway in Asia could constrain the U.S. role in the multilateral affairs of Asia. The centrality of the United States is now being challenged by renewed regionalism in Asia and by China’s rising influence. While the United States traditionally has played a central role in setting the agenda and shaping the goals for multilateral cooperation in the region, including the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) group, there is the potential that the upcoming East Asian Summit, to which the United States has not been invited, could lead to a new regional forum led by China that would exclude the United States and increasingly displace APEC, and other more inclusive fora, as the leading multilateral grouping of Asia. Although there are a number of obstacles to the realization of an East Asian bloc that would limit American influence in the region, some observers are of the opinion that the United States should take further steps to reinforce its own regional role and revitalize ties with allies, friendly countries, and others to deter that possibility.

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Peony Lui

“We Could Disappear at Any Time”: Retaliation and Abuses Against Chinese Petitioners

This 2005 report is the first in-depth look at the treatment of Chinese citizens who travel to Beijing to demand redress to their complaints of mistreatment by officials. While petitioning has long been in use in China, it is now on the rise; an estimated ten million petitions were filed in 2004. Petitioners, many of them rural people with minimal education or resources, often come to Beijing fleeing local violence and seeking a venue of last resort. Yet while they wait for their petitions to be addressed in Beijing, many are ambushed by groups of plainclothes security officers on the street, beaten, and kidnapped. Some are taken back to their home provinces, imprisoned, and even tortured. A few petitioners who spoke to Human Rights Watch had lost the use of limbs due to torture in detention.

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Human Rights Watch