Amy E. Gadsden is currently the Executive Director of Penn Global at the University of Pennsylvania, where she also oversees the University’s China initiatives, including the Penn China Research and Engagement Fund. Gadsden first visited China in the Spring of 1990, returning in 1993 to teach English. She subsequently spent 15 years working on democracy, human rights, and the rule of law in China for both governmental and non-governmental organizations. In 1997, Gadsden published the first article in English on grassroots village elections in China. In 2008, she joined Penn Law, as Associate Dean for International and Strategic Initiatives, a role she held for five years before moving to Penn Global. She has a Ph.D. in Chinese legal history from Penn.

Last Updated: July 30, 2019
Studying in China May Have Gotten Harder for Americans, But We Shouldn’t Stop Trying
The U.S.-China relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world, but it is at its worst point since President Richard Nixon visited in 1972—more than 50 years ago. Getting the relationship right is not easy, but getting it...
Is There a Future for Values-Based Engagement with China?
A key feature of current debates over U.S.-China relations is the proposition that “engagement failed,” in light of the Chinese government’s increasingly aggressive posture towards liberal values at home and on the world stage. Already on the...
How Should the U.S. Government Treat Chinese Students in America?
The State Department’s top education official Marie Royce gave a speech entitled “The United States Welcomes Chinese Students.” In it, she quoted recent remarks from Donald Trump, who said, “We want to have Chinese students come and use our great...