Andrew Dougherty is a macroeconomist who manages a China research team for Capital Group, one of the world’s largest actively managed mutual funds. He is also a hip-hop parody artist, under the pseudonym Big Daddy Dough. Dougherty was trained as a classical and jazz violinist, and early instincts for composing his own parody music eventually focused on the hip-hop genre. He first came to Beijing in 2001 as an undergraduate student. After writing Runaway A-shares in 2007, as Chinese equities markets were overheating, he didn’t return to the China theme as a rapper until 2010, when he wrote and recorded “Beijing State of Mind.” From there, it was an eight-year journey to the culmination of this 21-track compendium of Sinohiphopfunkaliciousness, with tracks inspired by current events of the day in the Middle Kingdom, with a particular emphasis on the period from 2012-2016.

Last Updated: March 17, 2017
Sinica Podcast
Big Daddy Dough: Hip-hop and Macroeconomics in China
from Sinica Podcast
By day, Andrew Dougherty is a macroeconomist who manages a China research team for Capital Group, one of the world’s largest actively managed mutual funds. By night, he is Big Daddy Dough, creator of an album of parody hip-hop songs that explain...