Gerald Roche is a Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Politics and Philosophy at La Trobe University. His research focuses on issues of ethnicity, nationalism, identity, and language in China’s Tibetan areas. His publications have appeared in China Quarterly, Modern Asian Studies, Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, and Asian Ethnicity. His edited volume of the International Journal of the Sociology of Language, on linguistic diversity and endangerment in Tibet, was published in May 2017.

Last Updated: November 20, 2018
Has the World Lost Sight of Tibet?
Since the incarceration of roughly a million Uighurs in the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang over the last year, the situation in Tibet has gotten relatively less coverage in Western media. What is the current situation for human rights,...
Why Are So Many Tibetans Moving to Chinese Cities?
China’s Tibetan areas have been troubled by unrest since 2008, when protests swept the plateau, followed by a series of self-immolations which continue to this day. The Chinese state, as part of its arsenal of responses, has intensified urbanization...