Greta Nabbs-Keller is a Senior Research Associate at The University of Queensland’s (UQ) Centre for Policy Futures and an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Political Science and International Studies (UQ-POLSIS). She has worked previously in senior policy and analytical roles for the Department of Defense in Canberra and Jakarta, and finished her Australian Public Service career as a Senior Indonesia Analyst. Nabbs-Keller has utilized her Indonesia expertise in government consulting, research, and international development roles. She contributes regularly to media and think-tank analysis on Indonesian defense, political and foreign policy issues, and engages with policy communities through submissions, dialogues, and executive educations programs. In her role as a Senior Research Associate at UQ-Centre for Policy Futures, she focuses on the internal political dynamics which shape the formulation and efficacy of Indonesia’s trade, foreign policy, and security policy. The project builds on an extant body of research examining ideational and institutional shifts in Indonesia’s foreign policy and the impact of domestic political change on Jakarta’s relations with China, ASEAN, and Australia.

Last Updated: April 23, 2020
How Is the Coronavirus Outbreak Affecting China’s Relations with Its Asian Neighbors?
How has China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic—inside and outside of China—affected perceptions of China among countries in Asia? And how might this shape future policy toward China, or the regional policy landscape more broadly?