Hannah Ryder is a former Kenyan and British diplomat and economist with over 15 years of experience. She has recently founded Development Reimagined, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise based in Beijing, and she is also China Representative of ChinaAfrica Advisory. These two consulting firms provide strategic advice and practical support to Chinese and international organizations and stakeholders on issues from the Belt and Road Initiative, to Africa’s growth markets, development effectiveness, green growth and China’s foreign aid. Prior to this she led the United Nations Development Programme’s work with China to help it scale up and improve its cooperation with other developing countries, including in Africa. She writes for a range of publications including Project Syndicate and the Guardian, and in 2016 was nominated “New African Woman on the Rise.” She has contributed to a range of publications, most notably in 2006 she co-authored the Stern Review of the Economics of Climate Change.

Hannah Ryder
Last Updated: February 12, 2018
The China Africa Project
Where China’s Leaders Go in Africa May Surprise You
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The China Africa Project
China Starts to Play Nice with Foreign Aid Partners
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