Lawrence C. Reardon is a Research Associate at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center and an Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of New Hampshire, where he co-founded and is the current coordinator of the Asian studies minor. He received his B.A. at The Johns Hopkins University, and M.I.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science from Columbia University (1991). He wrote The Reluctant Dragon: The Impact of Crisis Cycles on Chinese Foreign Economic Policy (University of Washington Press/University of Hong Kong Press, 2001/2014), and has written on China’s foreign policy for China Quarterly, The Journal of Contemporary China, China Business Review, and The Journal of Shenzhen University. He translated two volumes of key Chinese policy documents concerning China’s coastal development strategy (Chinese Law and Government, 1994). His current manuscript on Chinese foreign economic policy during the 1980s is currently under review. He also conducts research on religion, with a special emphasis on the Chinese religion, the Catholic Church, and Sino-Vatican relations. He co-edited and contributed to The Catholic Church and the Nation-State (Georgetown University Press, 2006), contributed single-authored chapters to When Theology and Politics Meet: Pope Francis as a Global Actor (Palgrave MacMillan, 2018), Religious Transformation in Modern Asia: A Transnational Movement (Brill, 2015), and Democratic Development and Political Terrorism (Northeast University Press, 2005). Reardon published a single-authored article on Chinese religion for The Journal of Chinese Affairs (2011). He has contributed several pieces to be published by the Oxford Encyclopedia on Politics and Religion and is currently completing a chapter on the Catholic Church for the Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism.

Last Updated: March 18, 2019



Are Confucius Institutes Good for American Universities?

Kenneth Hammond, Lawrence C. Reardon & more
Confucius Institutes continue to incite controversy in America. Since 2006, China’s government has given more than $158 million to dozens of U.S. universities to host the institutes, which offer Chinese language classes and hold events. To critics,...