Mirjam Meissner is head of the Economy and Technology Program at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin. Her current research and publication focus on industrial policy and digitization in China. Her most recent publications include “China’s Surveillance Ambitions” (The Wall Street Journal), and, from MERICS, the papers “IT-Backed Authoritarianism: Information Technology Enhances Central Authority and Control Capacity under Xi Jinping” and “End of the Road for International Car Makers in China? How Digitization Will Reshape the Automobile Market.”

Last Updated: August 10, 2016
China’s Social Credit System: A Big-Data Enabled Approach to Market Regulation with Broad Implications for Doing Business in China
Mirjam Meissner
Mercator Institute for China Studies
Under the catchphrase “Social Credit System,” China is currently implementing a new and highly innovative approach to monitoring, rating, and regulating the behavior of market participants. The Social Credit System will have significant impact on...
Made in China 2025
Jost Wübbeke & Mirjam Meissner
Mercator Institute for China Studies
This report analyses China’s ambitious plan to build one of the world’s most advanced and competitive economies with the help of innovative manufacturing technologies (“smart manufacturing”). China’s industrial master plan “Made in China 2025” aims...
Is Big Data Increasing Beijing’s Capacity for Control?
China’s authoritarian government is using big data to develop credit scoring systems, and is urging data-sharing between companies and governments, putting ordinary Chinese squarely in the digital spotlight. How should Chinese netizens and global...