Zander Rounds is the Nairobi-based Research Manager for the non-profit organization China House Kenya. He is a graduate of Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service and a recent Fulbright scholar. He has traveled repeatedly to China since 2007 and currently lives and works with Chinese communities in Nairobi. Rounds writes and conducts extensive research on Chinese-African relations (economics, politics, and people), democratization in Africa, and international development.

Zander Rounds
Last Updated: September 15, 2016
The China Africa Project
Report Shows Labor Conditions at Chinese and American Firms in Kenya Comparable
Nairobi-based researcher Zander Rounds joins Eric and Cobus to discuss a new comparative study on employment relations at Chinese and American firms in Kenya. Zander co-authored the report with China House Kenya founder Huang Hongxiang as part of a...
The China Africa Project
Chinese Business’ Complicated Role in Kenyan Corruption
One of the many simple, widely-believed narratives about the Chinese in Africa is that Chinese businesses fuel corruption across the continent. Chinese corporate corruption in Africa is well documented, from allegations of paying off corrupt...