ChinaFile Recommends
05.28.14Why Scrapping 6 Million Cars is Not Going to End China’s Pollution Problem
Washington Post
While studies have shown some success from these measures, the fact that this bigger ban is being proposed is perhaps a sign it wasn't enough.
Ten Steps to Cleaner Air in China’s Cities
from chinadialogue
Earlier this year, former San Francisco planning advisor Eugene Leong looked at the legacy of air pollution in San Francisco. Here he draws out ten key policy lessons for China's leadership.Recognize PM2.5 pollution as a complex problem that...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.15.14China’s Air Pollution Leading to More Erratic Climate for US, Say Scientists
Computer modelling shows intensification of U.S.-bound Pacific storms, driven by fine aerosols from coal power plants and traffic.
China’s Air Pollution Reporting is Misleading
from chinadialogue
China’s air pollution is being reported in a misleading way, blocking public understanding and enabling official inaction. Outdoor air pollution in China causes an estimated 1.2 million premature deaths and 25 million healthy years of life lost...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.18.14This Chinese Couple Turned Their Wedding Photos Into Protest Art
People in China cannot breathe, and they are getting tired of trying to mask it. One newlywed couple, in an act of protest, took their wedding portraits outdoors.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.11.14Happy and Unhappy in China
The new video “Happy in Beijing,” shot over the past few days of worse-than-ever airpocalypse in Beijing, is worth noticing for several reasons.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.11.14Chinese Man Sues Local Government Over Smog
Li Guixin of Hebei province has become the first person to sue the government over air pollution.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.04.14China Must Reduce ‘Unbearable’ Smog, Government Adviser Says
China's air pollution has reached intolerable levels and the country should aggressively cut its reliance on coal, according to the government’s climate-change adviser.
Citizen Sues Local Government for Failing to Curb Air Pollution
from chinadialogue
Although residents in Northern China are no strangers to dirty air, a man from the smog-enshrouded Hebei province has decided to take the local environmental authority to court for failing to control air pollution.Li Guixin, a resident in Hebei’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.03.14In China’s War On Bad Air, Government Decision to Release Data Gives Hope
Washington Post
China’s Communist state is hardly known for its transparency. So when environmental groups appealed for official air pollution data, they were not expecting much.
Beijing Passes Law to Curb Air Pollution
from chinadialogue
China’s first legally binding regulations for reducing PM2.5 levels have been approved by Beijing’s municipal congress.Beijing’s annual average PM2.5 level currently stands at 89.5 micrograms per cubic meter, far exceeding the 35-micrograms national...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.16.14Beijing Air Pollution At Dangerously High Levels
Associated Press
The PM2.5 density was calculated at 26 times higher than what is considered safe by the WHO.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.14Chinese Drivers Pollute Without Guilt
Chinese demand for private transportation soars while air-quality plummets.
Sinica Podcast
Birds of Beijing and the Air They Fly In
from Sinica Podcast
This week, Sinica responds to the fevered requests of the Azure-Winged Magpie society with a show all about birding in Beijing. And why not? Because despite the air pollution that wracks our fair city, Beijing remains one of the best places in the...
Fines Won’t Solve China’s Smog Problem
from chinadialogue
Eight municipal governments in northeast Liaoning province have together received 54.2 million yuan (U.S.$8.9 million) in fines for failing to reach air quality standards—the first time a provincial government has imposed financial penalties on...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.12.13If You Can't Beat the Shanghai Smog, Change the System
As the smog that has choked Shanghai for much of the last week reached hazardous levels, the city’s environmental authority adjusted standards downward to ensure that there won’t be so many frequent air-quality alerts.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.12.13China: Here Are Some Great Things About Toxic Air
China's state-run TV tries to put a positive spin on toxic haze. Nice try, guys, nice try.
Pollution Has ‘Five Surprising Benefits,’ says State TV, but Chinese Unamused
Polluted air is a fact of life for many Chinese citizens, and it’s currently smothering parts of the country—but that’s not all bad, according to one state media outlet’s widely-ridiculed attempt at positive spin. A recent bout of noxious smog has...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.08.13N.A.S.A. Satellite Images Reveal the Terrifying Extent of China’s Air Pollution
Daily Mail
Satellite images provided by N.A.S.A.’s Suomi satellite give a new, even more horrifying face to the awful air pollution that is plaguing China.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.13Suck It and See
There are many theories on how China could best tackle its air pollution problem: it could shutter its factories, upgrade its emissions standards or, according to one Dutch artist, it could simply suck up the haze...
Why’s China’s Smog Crisis Still Burning So Hot?
Alex Wang:On Sunday, the start of the winter heating season in northern China brought the “airpocalypse” back with a vengeance.Harbin, the capital of Heilongjiang Province and home to 11 million people, registered fine particulate (PM2.5) pollution...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.21.13Government Offers 5 Billion Yuan to Fight Pollution
China Daily
The 5 billion yuan will help create an incentive for the designated regions to meet their air pollution reduction targets, to invest in pollution control and to aid their efforts to reduce airborne pollutants.
China’s Electric Bicycle Boom: Will the Fashion Last?
from chinadialogue
In the bike-loving Netherlands, electric bicycles now account for one-third of bicycle spending. The e-bike is encroaching on the Vespa in Rome, and multiplying on the steep roads of Lausanne. Globally, the production of electric bicycles is...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.24.13China’s Plan to Curb Air Pollution Sets Limits on Coal Use and Vehicles
New York Times
This plan represents the most concrete response yet by the Communist Party and the government to growing criticism over allowing the country’s air, soil and water to degrade to abysmal levels because of corruption and unchecked economic growth.&...
Beijing’s Air in 2013 or Ground Zero’s After 9/11: Which Was Worse?
When I moved to Beijing from New York in February to study Chinese, a question began to haunt me: Could Beijing’s air in 2013 be more dangerous than the toxic brew produced by the 9/11 attacks on New York City’s World Trade Center, which hung over...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13Beijing Toughens Pollution Rules to Clean Up Air
In a five-year clean air action plan (2013-2017), the Beijing municipal government said 1,200 polluting companies will be ordered to upgrade or close parts or all of their facilities in the coming years to 2016.
Beijing’s Neighbors Hesitate at Pollution Cuts
from chinadialogue
The recent announcement of plans to lower air pollution levels in the next five years are far greater than any proposed before, some being several times tougher than those included in the Twelfth Five Year Plan (FYP) period, which was only finalized...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.13.13Can China Clean Up Fast Enough?
China is going through an industrial-powered growth spurt and the urge to get rich outweighs the desire for clean air. However, China is beginning to clean up its act.
ChinaFile Recommends
08.12.13Pollution Economics
New York Times
With more than a million people dying prematurely each year from breathing its dirty air, the Communist country is experimenting with a capitalist approach: create incentives so that the market will force reductions in emissions.
Beijing is Trapped in its Polluted Neighborhood
from chinadialogue
In 2011, approximately 9,900 premature deaths in China are estimated to have been due to pollution. The Ministry of Environmental Protection recently released a pollution ranking of seventy-four cities over the first three months of the year. Of the...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.05.13Life in a Toxic Country
New York Times
Before this assignment, I reported from Iraq, where foreign correspondents talked endlessly of the variety of ways in which one could die. I survived those threats, only now to find myself wondering: Is China doing irreparable harm to me and my...
Local Officials in North China Quit Smoking to Fight Air Pollution
from chinadialogue
If you are planning to quit smoking, here is another reason to do so—it can fight air pollution, at least according to local officials in China’s northern Hebei Province.Officials in Cangzhou city, Hebei vowed to quit smoking in front of a mass...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.09.13China’s Reliance on Coal Reduces Life Expectancy by 5.5 Years
The study concluded that long-term exposure to air containing 100 micrograms of total suspended particles (T.S.P.) per cubic meter “is associated with a reduction in life expectancy at birth of about 3.0 years.”
ChinaFile Recommends
06.18.13China Launches World's No. 2 Carbon Trading Market
Seven pilot carbon-trading programs are scheduled to start this year, with the first opening today in Shenzhen, followed by Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Chongqing and Hubei. They are set to regulate 800 million to 1 billion tons of...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.18.13In China, a Push for Cleaner Air
Deal Book
China’s State Council announced an ambitious package on Friday of 10 measures to combat air pollution. Air pollution is a major problem in China and steps to alleviate the problem are vital to the government’s stated goals of...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.30.13Beijing Air Laden With Arsenic, Other Heavy Metals
Global Times
Such heavy metals can damage the nervous system and cause cardiovascular disease and cancer, according to a report by a joint team of Greenpeace members and scholars from Peking University that tested the capital’s air over a 15-day period.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.30.13Pollution Is Radically Changing Childhood In China’s Cities
New York Times
Parents are confining sons and daughters to their homes, even if it means keeping them away from friends. Schools are canceling outdoor activities and field trips. Parents with means are choosing schools based on air-filtration systems.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.19.13Why Leave Job In Beijing? To Breathe
Wall Street Journal
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China says air pollution is a key challenge facing companies here, and is an underlying reason why many expatriate workers choose to leave.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.26.13As Pollution Worsens In China, Solutions Succumb To Infighting
New York Times
As some officials push for tighter restrictions on pollutants, SOEs have been putting profits ahead of health in working to outflank new rules, according to government data and interviews with people involved in policy negotiations.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.21.13Carbon Copy: Why China’s Air-Pollution Problem Isn’t Unique
“ relation to the population density we see in China,” biologist Ramon Guardans says, “the U.S. and Europe did a much dirtier job industrializing.”
ChinaFile Recommends
03.08.13Choking To Death: Health Consequences Of Air Pollution in China
Council on Foreign Relations
The number of lung cancer-caused mortality in China has increased by 465 percent in the past three decades, due to severe air pollution.
Environmentalists Unconvinced by Wen Jiabao’s Green Words
from chinadialogue
China’s outgoing premier Wen Jiabao vowed that the government would solve the country’s ever-worsening pollution in his final work report yesterday as he opened the annual session of parliament.But coming amid rising public concern about China’s air...
Air Quality in China: A Snapshot
Nearly five weeks ago, Beijing experienced its worst day of air quality on record: Levels of PM2.5—small particulates that can cause lung, cardiovascular, and respiratory disease—soared to more than thirty times the level considered safe by the...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.13Eye-Stinging Bejiing Air Risks Lifelong Harm to Babies
Air quality in the Chinese capital deteriorated beyond World Health Organization safe limits every day last month as smoke from coal-powered generators, factory emissions, car fumes, and dust amassed over the city of 20 million people.
Airpocalypse Now: China’s Tipping Point?
The recent run of air pollution in China, we now know, has been worse than the air quality in airport smoking lounges. At its worst, Beijing air quality has approached levels only seen in the United States during wildfires.All of the comparisons to...
Where Does Beijing’s Pollution Come From?
from Sohu
In January alone, a stifling and noxious haze twice enveloped the Chinese capital of Beijing, pushing air quality indexes literally off the charts and inciting widespread outrage both on-line and off. Pollution—and the outcry surrounding it—has...
Chinese Web Erupts With Widespread Calls for Change as Beijing Endures Airpocalypse 2.0
Beijingers are choking on their air—again. Just seventeen days after Chinese cyberspace erupted with complaints about air so bad that it was “beyond index,” denizens of the Chinese capital awoke once again to a city blanketed with smog. Over the...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.29.13China’s Pollution: The Birth Defect Angle
There are persistent rumors that the horrendous pollution in China has led to a huge increase such births in China.
01.23.13U.S. Cities Suffer Impact of Downwind Chinese Air Pollution
from chinadialogue
Around 9,000 feet up, on a remote mountaintop in the state of Oregon, a group of researchers are on the lookout. It is not planes or wildlife they are tracking but pollution clouds.The monitoring site is run by Dan Jaffe, professor of atmospheric...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.15.13China Pledges to Curb Auto Emissions, Reduce Air Pollution
Los Angeles Times
The Ministry of Environmental Protection pledged to cut vehicle emissions, the source of about a quarter of China's air pollution, but didn't explain implementation plans.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.15.13One Nation Under Smog: Rules for Beijing Living
New Yorker
The following will sound like a joke, but I’m sorry to say it’s not: the filters for our air purifying machines are so expensive that we get ours under the table.
We’re Winning the Air Pollution Data Battle—So What Next?
from chinadialogue
Last year, China made a breakthrough in the publication of air quality data, as more than sixty cities started to monitor and publish levels of the dangerous air pollutant PM2.5. But the figures themselves were depressing. With PM2.5—fine...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.13China Allows Media to Report on Air Pollution Crisis
New York Times
The wide coverage of Beijing’s brown, soupy air, which has been rated “hazardous” or worse by monitors since last week, was the most open in recent memory.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.13Environmental Stocks Surge on China’s Smog Pollution Fears
Wall Street Journal
While Beijing struggled with pollution, prices of environmental protection stocks surged as investors bought stocks that could rise if policymakers say “enough.”
ChinaFile Recommends
01.13.13Breathing in Beijing: Coping with China’s Smog
New York Times
Were the Chinese cement industry a country, it would be the sixth biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in the world.
Taxi Drivers in China Have Highest PM2.5 Air Pollutant Exposure
from chinadialogue
A study conducted by Greenpeace has revealed that taxi drivers suffer the greatest levels of exposure to PM2.5 air pollution: three times that of the average person, and five times the world standard.The study, carried out by Greenpeace in...
The Diplomacy of Air Pollution
from chinadialogue
On June 5, World Environment Day, China’s environment ministry published its annual “state of the environment” report as normal. But this year, the launch attracted unusual levels of attention thanks to a statement from vice minister Wu...
Sinica Podcast
Year-End Roundup
from Sinica Podcast
It was the year of the housing market (up then down), Ai Weiwei’s imprisonment, Wukan, the Wenzhou train crash, air pollution, gutter oil, tainted milk, clenbuterol, China bulls and bears, government transparency, the soaring price of Maotai, Guo...
Sinica Podcast
The Soul of Beijing
from Sinica Podcast
Today, we’re pleased to share a special live edition of Sinica recorded last Saturday at Capital M in Beijing. Held to a standing-room only crowd, we talked all about our ongoing love-hate relationship with Beijing, and asked what on earth is...
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment: Urumqi District Heating Project
World Bank
The city of Urumqi, the capital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in westernmost China, is experiencing rapid urbanization and economic growth, which poses challenges to Urumqi Municipal Government in providing adequate and efficient public...