Green Space
The Odd Shapes of PM2.5
A recent episode of “Approaching Science,” a CCTV documentary series, discussed the smog that’s been choking the mainland for the past few years. The show interviews scientists and laypeople to paint a comprehensive picture of the challenges that...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.16.16India and China Have Most Deaths from Pollution
Wall Street Journal
Indian and Chinese fatalities accounted for 55% of pollution-related deaths worldwide.
Green Space
Gorging on Gadgets
Documentary filmmaker Sue Williams is finishing up her latest documentary about our beloved electronic gadgets, Death By Design. I was involved in the project and traveled with Williams to south China’s Guangdong province, to the the town of Guiyu,...
Green Space
Sea Level Rise In Pictures, Cancer Villages Near Beijing
I think a big part of the reason why citizens of the world have not rallied to deal with climate change is the lack of a certain deadline that would warrant our immediate response to the grave consequences of our warming planet. There is no...
Global Carbon Emissions May Stall in 2015
from chinadialogue
Global carbon dioxide emissions from burning coal, oil, and gas as well as from industrial activities grew by just 0.6 percent in 2014, according to researchers from the Global Carbon Project of the organization Future Earth.The researchers say...
Is China a Leader or Laggard on Climate Change?
As ongoing climate talks wind down at COP21 this week, participants in and observers of the summit in Paris wrote in to share their assessment of the message coming from the official delegation from China, currently the world’s largest emitter of...
Green Space
China’s Joking on Smog
In the world of Chinese air pollution, there’s a new kid on the block. Shenyang, the northeastern stronghold of heavy industry and manufacturing since the Mao era, last week saw its levels of PM2.5 pollution shoot past 1000 and register a whopping...
Caixin Media
Moving 2 Million People for Beijing’s Urban Reset
Nearly 2 million Beijing residents will be moved to the city’s outlying districts from the center by 2020 as part of a massive urban revamp designed to better control people, traffic, and smog.The movers include up to 1 million government workers...
What Would New Breakthroughs on Climate Change Mean for the U.S.-China Relationship?
With just over a week to go before Chinese President Xi Jinping begins his first State Visit to the United States, there is much evidence to suggest that bilateral action to fight climate change is an area most ripe for meaningful Sino-U.S...
Beijing’s Air Quality May Finally Be Improving ... But it Still Ain’t Great
In February, a Chinese celebrity journalist named Chai Jing released a video on the Internet about the damage air pollution was causing her country. During the week it was online (before Chinese censors pulled it down), people viewed the video 200...
Are China’s Limits on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Meaningful?
Last week, Premier Li Keqiang said China would cut its “carbon intensity”—the amount of carbon dioxide emitted per unit of GDP—to 60-65 percent of 2005 levels by 2030. Visiting Paris, the site in September of the United Nations Climate Change...
China’s Greehouse Gas Emissions Likely to Peak by 2025
from chinadialogue
China’s output of greenhouse gases could peak in 2025, five years earlier than it has promised, meaning that the world’s largest emitter may be able to quicken the pace of cuts in coming decades, according to a new paper published June 8 by the...
China’s “New Normal”: Structural Change, Better Growth, and Peak Emissions
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
China has grown rapidly—often at double-digit rates—for more than three decades by following a strategy of high investment, strong export orientation, and energy-intensive manufacturing. While this growth lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty,...
Caixin Media
China Uses Drones to Monitor Pollution Problems from Above
China’s environmental regulators want to increase the use of drones watching pollution levels, supplementing the existing monitoring system.In the central city of Wuhan, drones were sent to urban areas to inspect emissions from chimneys that are...
Chinese Posters Warn of the Dangers of Smog
from chinadialogue
{slideshow, 16211, 4}An exhibition of smog-inspired posters is touring the polluted cities of northern and eastern China this month to draw attention to the impending environmental disaster.Created by a group of Chinese designers, the 300 posters...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.25.15Paris Can’t Be Another Copenhagen
New York Times
The U.S. and China must rapidly increase collaboration on climate change both within and beyond the framework of the conference.
China’s Role in Illegal Trade of Toxic E-Waste Rising Sharply
from chinadialogue
Discarded smartphones and other gadgets are poisoning the environment and people in developing countries, where most of the world’s electronic waste (e-waste) is being dumped illegally and now involves criminal gangs, the UN’s environment arm warned...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.18.15Duck-Rice, Honey Bees and Mandarins
China Policy Institute Blog
There has to be a financial model which allows the farmers to see the impact of restoration on their business.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.15.15Dredging For Disaster
Foreign Policy
Beijing’s massive So. China Sea island-building is destroying the region’s irreplaceable coral reefs.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.06.15China Issues Guideline for Eco-Friendly Development
Safeguarding the environment lags China’s economic status—limited resources and severe pollution preventing sustainable growth.
‘Blue Sky’ App Gets China’s Public Thinking About Pollution Solutions
from chinadialogue
The Blue Sky Map app, which was officially launched April 28 by the Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs (IPE), enables the public to check up on air and water quality and local sources of pollution, and scrutinize emissions from 9,000...
China Court to Hear NGO Lawsuit Targeting Polluter’s Profits
from chinadialogue
An environmental group has filed a lawsuit for 30 million yuan (U.S.$4.8 million) to seek compensation from a Shandong chemical company for pumping out harmful substances—a legal action thought to be the first public interest litigation for air...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.24.15Seeing Through the Smog
China Open Research Network
Potential impacts of the documentary Under the Domes on China’s Civic Participation.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.19.15Coal Boomtowns Fade as China Declares War on Pollution
China is headed towards peak coal which means cities reliant on coal mining struggle.
World Coal Investments Increasingly Risky, Especially China’s
from chinadialogue
The investment case for coal-fired power is looking increasingly unconvincing, but more plants will need to be cancelled if the world is to avoid runaway climate change, a report published on Monday said.The report which was co-authored by green...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.18.15Party Investigates CNPC Executive Once Seen as Company’s Next Leader
Liao Yongyuan, who oversaw gas pipeline project crossing country, becomes target of inquiry by party graft-buster.
China’s Real Inconvenient Truth: Its Class Divide
China is talking about its pollution problem, but its equally serious class problem remains obscured behind the haze. Smog leapt to the forefront of Chinese national discourse after the February 28 release of "Under the Dome," a 103-minute...
Sinica Podcast
Under the Dome
from Sinica Podcast
Under the Dome, Chai Jing's breakout documentary on China's catastrophic air pollution problem, finally hit insurmountable political opposition last Friday after seven days in which the video racked up over 200 million views. The eventual...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.04.15In Beijing, Political Pomp Abounds as China Kicks off 'Two Meetings'
Los Angeles Times
The dual sessions do telegraph the general national agenda for the coming year.
Clearing Skies
from Sierra Club
After dark is when the pollution arrives on the outskirts of Shanghai. On a bright night, when moonlight refracts through the smog, you can see black clouds of soot pouring out of small workshop smokestacks silhouetted against the sky. In case you...
Why Has This Environmental Documentary Gone Viral on China’s Internet?
[Updated: March 6, 2015] Our friends at Foreign Policy hit the nail on the head by headlining writer Yiqin Fu's Monday story "China's National Conversation about Pollution Has Finally Begun." What happened? Well, in the...
Caixin Media
Can Market Mechanisms Clear China’s Air?
The Chinese government recently responded to rising public discontent over environmental degradation by introducing tougher rules for industrial emissions.Meanwhile, a non-governmental organization and a state-run newspaper are coordinating a...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.03.15Beijing Quietly Curbs Discussion of Documentary on Air Pollution
Wall Street Journal
Censors stepped in to tamp down the buzz around an air-pollution documentary that drew 100 million views.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.15Pollution Documentary ‘Under the Dome’ Blankets Chinese Internet
Wall Street Journal
Pollution Documentary ‘Under the Dome’ Blankets Chinese Internet
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.15China Orders Two Local Governments to Punish Polluting Steel Mills
That could pile pressure on mills already struggling with weak demand-growth as the world's No.2 economy loses momentum.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.15China’s Coal Use and Estimated CO2 Emissions Fell in 2014
Huffington Post
Glen Peters of the Global Carbon Project calculates that China's CO2 emissions have also fallen, by 0.7 percent, for the first time this century.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.15The Film That Is Going to Change China
Business Spectator
Chai Jing's stunning documentary on the smog problem was viewed more than 100 million times in little over two days.
Chinese Firms Must Act Decisively on Climate Change, Report Says
from chinadialogue
Chinese companies will need to cut direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of their operations by up to 2.7% a year if China is to stay on track with the level of action required to keep global warming well below 2 degrees Celsius, says a new report...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.10.15Large South China Sea Gas Field Discovered South of Hainan
The China National Offshore Oil Corp has identified over 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas at the Lingshui 17-2 gas field.
China to Appoint Academic as New Environment Minister
from chinadialogue
The head of Beijing’s Tsinghua University is likely to be appointed to the top environmental job in in China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection, according to reports, as the country’s leadership moves to defuse public anger about worsening air,...
China’s Air Pollution: The Tipping Point
Last November, Beijing saw a stretch of solidly clear skies and the Chinese media coined a phrase to describe them: APEC blue. After the diplomats and businesspeople gathered in China’s capital for the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation forum...
‘New Measures Needed’ To Take China’s Cars Off the Roads
from chinadialogue
As air pollution once more soared to hazardous levels last week in Beijing, in Washington a panel of Chinese and other international experts explained some of the solutions to taking cars off the roads in the world’s most populous country, but there...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.07.15China Cities Crack Down on Illegal Cabs Using Car-Hailing Apps
The Chinese capital will impose fines of as much as 20,000 yuan ($3,200) each on 41 unauthorized vehicles that offered rental services via the apps, CNR said Jan. 7.
Caixin Media
At Factory Waste Ponds, Fumes Choke Fantasies
Deep in the Tengger Desert, near a community of cattle herders about 700 kilometers west of Beijing, pipes from a complex of coal processing and chemical factories once spewed slimy wastewater into six ponds.The "evaporation ponds" were...
10.09.14Locals Attack Factory After Children Poisoned with Lead
from chinadialogue
Villagers from the township of Gangkou in Jiangxi province, southeast China, have smashed up a new lead recycling plant which was due to begin operating.Unconvinced by reassurances from the owners and local government that there would be no...
New York Climate Summit Fails to Bridge Rich-Poor Divide
from chinadialogue
India reiterated its need to develop, China listed the steps it was taking and the United States repeated that all countries should control greenhouse-gas emissions.Despite notable advances in many areas, the special climate summit convened by...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.23.14Obama Presses Chinese on Global Warming
New York Times
Declaring that the United States and China—the world’s two largest economies and largest polluters—bear a “special responsibility to lead,” Mr. Obama said, “That’s what big nations have to do.”
ChinaFile Recommends
09.22.14China Surpasses EU in Per-Capita Pollution for First Time
If pollution continues at the current rate, the limit for carbon will be reached in 30 years, the scientists concluded in a report issued on the eve of a United Nations summit designed to step up the fight against climate change.
China and Climate Change: What’s Next?
Climate Week at the United Nations General Assembly is upon us and we asked a group of experts to bring us up-to-date about the areas where progress on climate change looks most possible for China, now the world's largest emitter of greenhouse...
Here’s How This Giant Chinese Forest Disappeared
In early August, Greenpeace China’s forest campaigner Wu Hao wrote a piece in the environmental section of the newspaper Southern Weekly about China’s astonishing rate of deforestation. He posted dramatic before and after satellite images of forests...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.15.14China, the Climate and the Fate of the Planet
Rolling Stone
If the world's biggest polluter doesn't radically reduce the amount of coal it burns, nothing anyone does to stabilize the climate will matter.
The Dark Side of the Boom
from chinadialogue
Just over a year ago, in July 2013, a report published in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put the health impacts of air pollution in China into an unusually clear framework: residents of south China, the report said...
Pollution and Health in China: Confronting the Human Crisis
Anyone who lives in north China understands that the air quality that they endure is potentially hazardous. There are other environmental hazards to health that have been less obvious or less widely understood, but that emerge in patterns of illness...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.02.14Mongolia's ‘Rebalance’ Towards Russia and China
Deutsche Welle
In a bid to boost its ailing economy, Mongolia is refocusing its foreign policy on its traditional partners Russia and China. But experts warn Ulan Bator runs the risk of becoming increasingly dependent.
Can a Pollution-Tracking App Kickstart Transparency?
from chinadialogue
It seems counter-intuitive that publicly available data needs grassroots activists to make it accessible. Yet, in a sea of regulations and information, official environmental information can be difficult to parse.The risk of information overload...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.05.14China Will Ban All Coal Use In Beijing By 2020
Business Insider
Beijing’s Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau posted the plan on its website Monday, saying the city would instead prioritize electricity and natural gas for heating.
Moving a Mountain, of Trash
from chinadialogue
On July 1, tough new standards for pollution from waste incinerators came into effect. The move is an attempt to end the conflict between communities across China and the nearby rubbish-burning plants they believe threaten their health and house...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.13.14China Requires 30% of State Cars Use Alternative Energy
China is mandating that electric cars make up at least 30 percent of government vehicle purchases by 2016, the latest measure to fight pollution and cut energy use after exempting the autos from a purchase tax.
U.S.-China Climate Cooperation More Crucial Than Ever
from chinadialogue
As the governments of the United States and China meet in Beijing this week for the Sixth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED), one area worth watching closely is clean energy and climate change cooperation. While this topic may...
What China Should Say at the U.N. Climate Change Summit
from chinadialogue
With a little more than 100 days to go, countries are gearing up for Ban Ki-moon’s New York climate summit, the first climate convention of world leaders since Copenhagen and a meeting that aims to catalyze new commitments and mobilize political...