Will Xi Jinping Stop the Music?
In late November of 2013, I sat chatting in a California concert hall with one of the PRC’s most famous first-generation pianists. Normally at this time of year, the pianist told me, he would be heading off to China to perform multiple New Year’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.28.14Jailed Dissident’s Wife: ‘I Don’t Want You to Give Up’
Wall Street Journal
A public letter from the wife of Xu Zhiyong shows the emotional burden imposed on the family members of jailed dissidents.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.27.14Chinese Court Places Heavy Sentence on Prominent Activist
Wall Street Journal
The most closely watched trial of a Chinese dissident in years calls attention to CCP clamp down on dissent.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.27.14China: Reverse Judgment in Show Trial of Xu Zhiyong
Human Rights Watch
The harsh conviction and four-year sentence of Xu Zhiyong is a pretext to chill popular protests against corruption.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.27.14China's Deluxed Hotels: Modern Sumptuary Laws
The new humility of both officials and hotels is a response to Xi's campaign against lavish spending.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.27.14A Dream Deferred
Foreign Policy
The challenge the ICIJ expose poses to Xi's reputation as an anti-corruption crusader, is a vindication of Xu's advocacy.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.23.14Amid China’s Anti-Extravagance Sweep
Wall Street Journal
Chinese hotels are downgrading to attract business from officials who are limited by “morality” campaigns.
Grand Theft China: Tase Corrupt Officials in New Online Game
Official corruption in China is a serious matter: In January 2013, Chinese President Xi Jinping openly vowed to tackle it, and a 2013 Pew study found that fifty-three percent of Chinese consider it a “very big problem.” But fighting bribery,...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.21.13Top Chinese Security Official Is Investigated
New York Times
Li Dongsheng, a vice minister of public security, is being investigated by the Communist Party for “suspected serious law and discipline violations,” according to Xinhua, the state news agency.
Deciphering Xi Jinping’s Dream
On November 9, the Chinese Communist Party will host its Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee. This conference will be a key to deciphering the ruling philosophy of the new Chinese leadership, who will run the country for the...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.28.13In China, ‘Everyone is Guilty of Corruption’
Much as I appreciate our president’s determination in his fight against corruption, his battle feels like an attempt to “put out a big fire with a glass of water,” given how corruption has reached every corner of our society.
Bo Xilai May Have Gotten Off Easy
On October 25, the Shandong High People’s Court rejected the appeal of Bo Xilai, the former Party Secretary of Chongqing who on September 22 was convicted of bribe-taking, embezzlement, and abuse of power and sentenced to life in prison.At the end...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.21.13China Companies Rank Lowest in Survey of Transparency Reporting
The report draws attention to a Chinese business environment corrupt due to minimal public-reporting requirements. Party leaders have warned that corruption threatens their grip on power and have announced anti-graft investigations of a number of...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.01.13Famous Trials of China’s Communist Party
An historical look at two other famous trials in recent Communist Party history: the Gang of Four trial after the Cultural Revolution, and the corruption trials of Chen Xitong and Chen Liangyu which bears greater resemblance to the Bo Xilai case...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.01.13Bo Xilai ‘Will Appeal’ Verdict and Sentence Jinan Court Hands Down
South China Morning Post
Defiant princeling Bo Xilai is likely to appeal against the verdict and sentence a Jinan court hands down today (9/22) in his trial for bribery, embezzlement and abuse of power, sources with direct knowledge of the case say.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.01.13Wison Engineering Services Shares Details of a Corruption Investigation
New York Times
Wison’s disclosure is the latest public signs of a spreading corruption inquiry into the China National Petroleum Corporation that has brought down one senior Chinese Communist Party official.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.26.13A Chill, Ill Wind Blows Across China
Council on Foreign Relations
Beijing’s anti-corruption campaign against public intellectuals and corrupt officials—while widely heralded by the official Chinese media—seems like one destined for short-term gain but long-term pain.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.12.13Political Maneuvering: The Plot Thickens
Xi Jinping has been taking down crooked officials in an attempt to consolidate power and make good on a promise to clean up the Party. But what does it mean now he’s set his sights on former chief of domestic security and one-time oilman...
Amid Scandals, Can China’s New Organ Transplant System Work?
The now oft-derided Chinese Red Cross once again found itself in hot water in July, when it was reported that some branches have asked organ transplant hospitals to pay 100,000 RMB ($16,300) for each successful organ donation organized by them. In...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.11.13Chinese Official Yu Qiyi ‘Drowned by Investigators’
Yu Qiyi, who was a Communist Party member of Wenzhou Industry Investment Group, died during the shuanggui process, an internal disciplinary procedure where officials are asked to confess wrongdoings.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.11.13China Corruption Probe Reflects Struggle
Deutsche Welle
Analysts argue the investigation, which involves four other top executives of state-owned enterprises, is an attempt by Xi Jinping and Premier Li Keqiang to assert their authority over powerful S.O.E.’s.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13China’s Corruption Purge Continues Against Zhou Yongkang
Daily Beast
As the Chinese public is eagerly awaiting the verdict of Bo Xilai, China’s anti-corruption agency is taking down another target: the 70-year-old Zhou Yongkang, dubbed by overseas media as China’s security tsar, has been put under...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13Bribery in G.S.K. China Was Coordinated at Company Level
A Chinese police investigation into drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline has discovered that alleged bribery of doctors in China was coordinated by the British company and was not the work of individual employees, state...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13Bribery Charges in China for Official Whose Child Worked for JPMorgan
Deal Book
State prosecutors have accused former Minister of Railways Zhang Shuguang of accepting graft payments of around 47 million renminbi, or nearly $8 million at current exchange rates, according to reports.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13China’s New Leaders Exert Control Over Oil Company
Associated Press
The crackdown on China’s biggest company — also the second-largest oil company in the world — signals the new administration’s determination to exert control over the powerful sector, said Cheng Li, a Brookings Institution scholar.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13Zhou Yongkang, Former Security Tsar Linked to Bo Xilai, Faces Corruption Probe
South China Morning Post
Sources said top leaders made the decision in view of the rising anger inside the party at the scale of the corruption problem and the vast fortune that Zhou's family has amassed. Xi ordered officials in charge of the case to “get to the bottom...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.03.13China Investigating More Top PetroChina Executives Over Corruption
A high-level government probe into corruption at China's leading oil and gas firm widened on Tuesday, with three additional senior officials at the state-run giant being investigated over alleged wrongdoing, which is C.C.P. shorthand for graft...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.21.13China seen probing IBM, Oracle, EMC after Snowden leaks
China’s Ministry of Public Security and a cabinet-level research center are preparing to investigate IBM Corp, Oracle Corp and EMC Corp over security issues.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.29.13China Sets Timeline for Resolving Bo Xilai Scandal
China set a timeline for the prosecution of disgraced Politburo member Bo Xilai, moving to resolve a scandal that overshadowed a once-in-a-decade transfer of power and tested the unity of new Communist Party leaders.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.29.13China Orders Ban on New Government Buildings
New York Times
The new directive, which bans the construction of government buildings for the next five years, showed clear signs of being a continuation of the anticorruption campaign, describing the ban as “important for building a clean government” and...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.25.13China Orders Ban on New Government Buildings
New York Times
The ban is the latest in a series of initiatives by President Xi Jinping to discourage corruption and foster frugality at a time of broad popular resentment against high-living bureaucrats.
Is Xi Jinping’s Fight Against Corruption For Real?
Roderick MacFarquhar:Xi Jinping’s overriding aim is the preservation of Communist party rule in China, as he made clear in speeches shortly after his elevation to be China’s senior leader. Like his predecessors, he is obsessed with the...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.23.13Former Bank Executive In China Faces Bribe Accusations
New York Times
The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection said Yang Kun, a former vice president of the state-controlled Agricultural Bank of China, had been expelled from the party and handed over to criminal investigators.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.09.13Being A Chinese Government Official Is One Of The Worst Jobs In The World
Chinese officials, like political dissidents or regular citizens, also suffer under a party that is accountable chiefly to itself and a government that arbitrarily enforces laws.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.07.13Rebel Chinese Newspaper Dares To Challenge Party Line
Operating out of two rooms in a dilapidated pharmaceutical factory, and with a staff of four, the Voice of the People is a muckraking freesheet challenging the local propaganda paper.
Caixin Media
03.04.13China’s Frills and Posh Market Springs a Leak
Imagine a luxury goods shopper so confident and flush with cash that one day he walks into a Shanghai handbag shop, flashes 300,000 yuan, and waltzes out with almost every bag in stock.That’s what happened last year at a Prada store where Benny Lu...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.19.13“China’s Leonard Cohen” Calls Out Political Corruption
On “These Tiny Grapes,” Zuoxiao Zuzhou’s new album of edgy ballads focusing on the woes of modern-day China, he hones in on rampant corruption, food scandals, injustice and abuse of power.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.18.13S.E.C. Inquiry Into China Film Trade Unnerves Hollywood
New York Times
Hunkered down. Lawyered up. Looking over your shoulder for the prosecutors. That is a not a comfortable way to do business. But it may become business as usual for those who have been struggling to make China both a customer for Hollywood...
Rich, Poor and Chinese—Does Anyone Trust Beijing to Bust the Corrupt?
Andrew Nathan:The new Chinese leadership under Xi Jinping seems to be making some bold opening moves with its attacks on corruption and the announcement on February 5 of plans to reduce the polarization of incomes. Does this mean Xi is...
How a Run-Down Government Building Became the Hottest Item on China’s Social Web
It is perhaps a sign of the times in China that an image of nothing more than a ramshackle county government building could echo so widely. Since its posting on Sina Weibo, China’s Twitter, hours before New Year’s Eve, the image (see below) has been...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.26.12China's Anti-Corruption Tool Kit: No Flowers, Expensive Booze or 'Empty Talk'
China's new leadership has made combating the country’s endemic corruption one of its publicly stated missions.
Sinica Podcast
The Fourth Estate
from Sinica Podcast
Following the Chinese media’s intense coverage of the blitzkrieg trial of Gu Kailai, those of us at Sinica want to take this opportunity to look back at the most riveting China story of the year. And while we’ve covered developments week-by-week and...
The NYRB China Archive
China’s Falling Star
from New York Review of Books
In China, the year is traditionally divided into periods based on the moon’s orbit around the earth and the sun’s path across the sky. This lunisolar calendar is laden with myths and celebrated by rituals that allowed Chinese to mark time and make...
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