What a Picture of China’s One-Child Policy Leaves Out
Brainwashed? Reflections on Propaganda in One Child NationBy Jie LiOne Child Nation, a documentary distributed by Amazon Studios which was shortlisted for an Academy Award, is becoming one of the most influential films about China in the United...
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10.27.17An Inconvenient Truth? China Omits Key Figures That May Have Highlighted Its Demographic Time Bomb from Official Statistics
South China Morning Post
A key data series on China’s fertility rate has been axed from the country’s latest statistical yearbook, depriving the public of crucial figures to judge the effectiveness of the country’s two-child policy.
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01.23.17More Babies in China Worth Celebrating—but Mind the Data
Wall Street Journal
Official data shows women had the most children since 2000 in 2016
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03.31.16Grey Boom: Decades of Birth Controls Leave China with Distorted Demographics
Globe and Mail
By 2030, the country will count 143 million more people aged 60 and older, a two-thirds expansion over 2015.
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02.05.16My Secret Life as a Forbidden Second Child in China
Foreign Policy
The country's draconian birth control policies have lifted, but the millions of children born outside the system live on in the shadows.