ChinaFile Recommends
01.16.14Spring Festival Gala Performance by Chinese Rock Icon in Doubt
New York Times
The popularity and pizzazz of China's “Godfather of Rock” is not worth the political risk for CCTV.
The Sound of China’s Future
It’s high noon in March and the cluttered patio of Maria’s Taco Xpress, the Austin, Texas institution, is gloriously sunny. First time visitor Gan Baishui is moments away from his band’s American debut, but the composer and musician from a fourth-...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.27.12Freedom Rock? Not In China
New York Times
Two members of the Russian punk collective Pussy Riot are on the run and have fled the country, the band said in a Twitter message on Sunday. Three other Pussy Rioters were sentenced to two years in prison this month for performing a “punk prayer”...