Could China’s Very Hot Summer Revive Action on Climate Change?
For more than two months, China—along with the rest of the globe—has been struggling with extreme heat and severe droughts. Hundreds of cities are facing temperatures in the 90s and higher, and Beijing last month issued its first nationwide drought...
Can the AIIB Support Asia’s Energy Revolution?
from chinadialogue
The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), headquartered in Beijing, held its second annual meeting on the Korean island of Jeju last week. Korea is currently positioning Jeju as a zero-carbon tourist destination, so the choice of location...
India and China Will Offset Trump’s Climate Backslide
from chinadialogue
With the U.S. likely to fall short of its Paris Agreement pledge to reduce carbon emissions, a new analysis released last week claims that overachievement by India and China will ensure progress on climate action is not stymied.The U.S., the world’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.06.17How Trump Can Help Save Coal—with China’s Help
Last week, President Donald Trump declared that he would bring back coal jobs, directing the EPA to roll back the Clean Power Plan and other regulations on coal producers.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.18.17China Cancels 103 Coal Plants, Mindful of Smog and Wasted Capacity
New York Times
China is canceling plans to build more than 100 coal-fired power plants, seeking to rein in runaway, wasteful investment in the sector while moving the country away from one of the dirtiest forms of electricity generation
ChinaFile Recommends
11.30.16Despite Climate Change Vow, China Pushes to Dig More Coal
New York Times
Desperate to deliver coal before power stations run out, China mobilizes trains and half-mile lines of trucks
ChinaFile Recommends
10.18.16As Trump Bashed China, He Sought Deals with its Government-Owned Energy Firm State Grid
South China Morning Post
Trump Hotel Collection negotiated with the State Grid Corporation of China to brand and manage a major development in the capital
ChinaFile Recommends
10.17.16Escaping China’s Parent Trap
Think Chinese SOEs' have little incentive to stray beyond China? That's far from the case. Just look at Britain's utilities
ChinaFile Recommends
08.11.16Australia Rejects Bids From Chinese Investors for Electricity Provider
New York Times
Local wariness toward China’s growing economic influence has risen amid a wave of Chinese takeovers of Australian businesses.
Green Space
Chinese Love Affair with Cars, and Tesla
Chinese love their cars. With the emergence of a large middle class, and in spite of restrictions on daily car use in some cities, many Chinese households are choosing to keep a second and sometimes even a third automobile. The world’s most populous...
China Pulls Emergency Stop on Coal Power Construction
from chinadialogue
China’s central government has ordered local authorities to delay or cancel construction of new coal-fired power plants, as regulators attempt to reduce a glut in capacity, just one year after decisions were delegated to the provinces.The National...
China’s Shift From Coal to Hydro Comes at a Heavy Price
from chinadialogue
As outlined in China’s national climate plan, submitted to the United Nations last month, the country’s aim to peak greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 or sooner will rely heavily on a shift from coal to use of non-fossil fuels.To many, that would seem...
Nepal Earthquake Highlights Dangers of Dam-Building in Tibet
from chinadialogue
Although the precise picture is still unclear, it’s likely that Nepal’s huge earthquake in April 2015 wreaked major damage on more than a dozen hydroelectric projects in Nepal.This should sound a shrill warning for projects across the border in...
The Sun Kings
In 1992, Shi Zhengrong completed his doctorate and found himself an expert in a field that wasn’t quite ready for him. He’d studied physics at Australia’s University of New South Wales, focusing on crystalline technology, the basic scientific...
Is China’s Massive Infrastructure Spending Wise or Wasteful?
China leads the world in infrastructure investment. The new roads, new railroads, new skyscrapers, even whole new cities that seem to spring into existence every day leave little doubt that investment has been ambitious. But has it been wise? This...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.18.12As Wen Jiabao Departs, China’s Dam Plans to Accelerate
Dam building slowed considerably under Wen, who personally intervened to block hydropower projects and avoid the potential for protest from local populations. Projects such as the $59 billion Three Gorges Dam have been the focus of criticism over...
09.06.12Chinese Fear Price Hikes After Electricity Reforms
from chinadialogue
This summer, Chinese people have been thinking twice before turning on their air conditioners.In July, tiered electricity pricing came into effect across China, except in the far western regions of Tibet and Xinjiang. This means the people who...