ChinaFile Recommends
07.12.18Surveillance Fears Cloud China’s ‘Digital Silk Road’
A major element of China’s continent-spanning Belt and Road Initiative has nothing to do with roads, ports or power plants.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.01.18White House Considers Restricting Chinese Researchers over Espionage Fears
New York Times
U.S. may bar Chinese from sensitive research at universities and research institutes.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.05.18Mystery of Suspected China-CIA Spy Draws Lawmaker Scrutiny
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and other senior members of Congress are asking why the FBI took more than five years to arrest former CIA China hand Jerry Chun Shing Lee after it first became suspicious of him.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.17.18Ex-C.I.A. Officer Suspected of Compromising Chinese Informants Is Arrested
New York Times
A former C.I.A. officer suspected by investigators of helping China dismantle United States spying operations and identify informants has been arrested, the Justice Department said on Tuesday. The collapse of the spy network was one of the American...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.11.17Germany Says China Seeking to Ensnare Officials on LinkedIn
Financial Times
Chinese intelligence agencies are using social networks such as LinkedIn to establish contact with German politicians and officials, according to a study by Germany’s internal security service.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.30.17State Department Aide Charged for Hiding Gifts from Chinese Agents
A veteran State Department employee who held a Top Secret clearance and did three tours in China is facing criminal charges for allegedly covering up tens of thousands of dollars in gifts she and an associate took from Chinese agents.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.20.17How China Is Preparing for Cyberwar
Christian Science Monitor
The U.S. and China have made progress on curbing commercial cyberespionage. Now, the global powers need to set limits when it comes to digital warfare.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.09.17China Expresses Concern at Revelations in Wikileaks Dump of Hacked CIA Data
China expressed concern on Thursday over revelations in a trove of data released by Wikileaks purporting to show that the CIA can hack all manner of devices, including those made by Chinese companies.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.24.16Guess What India and China Need to Improve Relations? More Spies
South China Morning Post
Strange as it may sound, China and India need a basis in espionage to improve their relationship.
The China Africa Project
The Spy Cables: Chinese Espionage in Africa
Buried in the trove of secret intelligence documents known as “The Spy Cables” obtained by Al Jazeera and The Guardian is a passing reference to allegations Chinese spies broke into a South African nuclear facility in 2007. Interestingly, this was...