ChinaFile Recommends
08.06.18How China Is Evolving From a Maker of Copycat Medicines Into a Producer of Complex Drugs
Wall Street Journal
At a cancer conference in Chicago in June last year, a little-known Chinese startup stunned researchers with early results showing its experimental gene therapy was abating an aggressive form of blood cancer in patients back home.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.02.16Drug Giant Faced a Reckoning as China Took Aim at Bribery
New York Times
China sought to make an example of GlaxoSmithKline in a case that involved bribery of doctors and investigators and ended with guilty pleas and record penalties
Caixin Media
Government Forces Big Pharma to Swallow a Bitter Pill
China’s latest round of healthcare market controls could be a bitter pill for multinational pharmaceutical companies that now, after years of what some call easy profits, are adapting to a tougher business climate.The National Health and Family...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.12.16Huya Bridges China's Novel Drugs With Overseas Markets
When Mireille Gillings, founder and chairman of Huya Bioscience International first visited China in 2004, she saw a niche that could grow.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.02.15GSK’s Viiv Arm Agrees China Tie-up to Produce HIV Drugs
Financial Times
GlaxoSmithKline signs a deal to manufacture cut-price HIV drugs in China as the UK group rebuilds its presence after a corruption scandal.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.14.14Chinese Police Charge British Former Head of GSK in China With Bribery
The case is the biggest corruption scandal to hit a foreign company in China since the Rio Tinto affair in 2009, which resulted in four executives, including an Australian, being jailed for between 7-14 years.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.24.14Malaria Eradication—Cure All?
A novel approach, using drugs from a South China company, instead of insecticides, may make it easier to eliminate malaria. But it is not without controversy.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.13Bribery in G.S.K. China Was Coordinated at Company Level
A Chinese police investigation into drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline has discovered that alleged bribery of doctors in China was coordinated by the British company and was not the work of individual employees, state...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.25.13More Foreign Pharmaceutical Firms Could Be Probed In China
China's official news agency hinted that more foreign pharmaceutical firms could soon be implicated in a corruption scandal sweeping the industry, in the wake of bribery accusations against British drug maker GlaxoSmithKline. ...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.23.13Drug Research in China Falls Under a Cloud
New York Times
A leaked document related to the recent G.S.K. scandal underscores the problems that can arise when major drug companies export their scientific development to emerging markets like China.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.17.13For Global Drug Manufacturers, China Becomes a Perilous Market
New York Times
Selling pharmaceuticals and other health care products in China is increasingly fraught with peril. China is accusing GlaxoSmithKline of funnelling payments through travel agents to doctors, hospitals and government officials to bolster...