Elections? No Thank You. Performance Reviews? Maybe.
In recent years, both Chinese state and Communist Party organizations have fielded thousands of public opinion polls, on subjects ranging from hospital services, to rural revitalization, to food safety. Yet, much of the information gleaned from...
What Will Come out of the Communist Party’s Polling the People Online?
David Wertime:Simon Denyer’s recent article (“In China, Communist Party Takes Unprecedented Step: It Is Listening,” The Washington Post, August 2, 2013) provides a valuable look at some of the ways that Chinese authority mines domestic micro-...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.05.13The Chinese Communist Party Has Embraced the Internet—For Public Polling
Beijing has started to glean political intelligence from the same systems they restrict access to.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.30.13Chinese Lead World in Economic Optimism
China also topped the list in terms of the percentage of respondents saying their country is headed in the right direction, with 85 percent of Chinese expressing this sentiment.
Official Online Poll: Chinese Want Democracy
With China’s new leadership now set, Chinese Web users have turned their attention to answering the key question: “What’s next?” In concert with the 18th Party Congress, the website of Communist Party-sanctioned Peoples’s Daily hosted an...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.02.12Online Poll Shows Overwhelming Support For End to China’s One-Child Policy
Out of 30,006 votes cast, 71.7% support abrogating the one-child policy, and only 28.3% want to keep it. The poll was conducted after a study by the China Development Research Foundation emerged, recommending an abolition of the...