Surprise Findings: China’s Youth Are Getting Less Nationalistic, Not More
Anyone who’s spent any length of time following Western press coverage of China is familiar with the notion that China’s leaders are obligated to look tough in order to appease a rising nationalism. Much has been written about the online activities...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.04.16China’s Dream of Smart Economy Must "Get Past Talent Gap”
South China Morning Post
A new study shows that 70 per cent of Chinese employers say the education offered by universities “has little value”
ChinaFile Recommends
10.28.16Here’s What Africans Think of China’s Influence in Their Countries
Washington Post
An African-led research network conducting surveys in 36 African countries reported on citizens’ attitudes toward China. They’re mostly positive.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.19.16Unlike the West, China and India Embrace Globalization
In contrast with the developed West, globalization and economic integration remain popular in the world’s two largest developing countries—India and China.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.06.16Is Beijing’s Growing Power Threatened by Foreign Influences? Chinese People Seem to Think So
South China Morning Post
According to a PEW Research Center survey, Chinese perceive the U.S. as a greater threat than the economic downturn, climate change, or ISIS
What’s China’s Mood Under Xi? New Data Gives a Glimpse
China, under the presidency of Xi Jinping, has invited a number of breathless pronouncements about the state of the country. Chinese media regularly conjure the “Chinese Dream,” one of Xi’s favored phrases, which means whatever readers want it to...
Where Humiliation is Normal
from Aibai
Tolerance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals appears to be rising in Mainland China, at least among the digital generations. A February 2013 poll of users on Sina Weibo, one of China’s leading social networking sites,...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.30.13Chinese Lead World in Economic Optimism
China also topped the list in terms of the percentage of respondents saying their country is headed in the right direction, with 85 percent of Chinese expressing this sentiment.
What Does China Think?
Are Chinese citizens happy with the direction their country is taking? Do they believe in a market economy? Do they believe that hard work brings success?
Each year, the American think tank Pew Research Center asks questions like these to...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.10.12Keep Smiling! – You’re Being Watched
China Story
Frequent media reports of overwhelming popular support for mass surveillance are propagandistic in tone and content. However, is there nonetheless some truth in the ‘happy Chinese panopticon’? An international comparative survey on privacy and...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.09.12Chinese Survey Shows a Higher Jobless Rate
Wall Street Journal
A new survey shows that the real unemployment rate in China is double the official level, and layoffs rose sharply among migrant workers in the past year, underlining a challenge for China's new leaders to maintain growth. The survey...
U.S.-China Public Perceptions Opinion Survey 2012
Committee of 100
The re-establishment of U.S.-China relations in 1971 marked a strategic step that ended China’s isolation and transformed the global balance of power. Since that historic milestone, the United States as an established superpower and China as an...