88 Bar

From their website:

88 Bar (八八吧, pronounced bābāba in Mandarin) is a group blog about tech, media and design in the Greater China region. Our “bar” is a virtual space for our writers to come together and explore ideas as a group. While we don’t have a fixed editorial mandate, we have covered several topics regularly over the years, including: Ethnography of Tech, China Meme Report, Typography Design, and State Capitalism Watch.

Last Updated: June 27, 2016

Supporting creativity wins on Chinese crowd-sourcing platform Demohour

Lyn Jeffery and Jason Li. Lyn
88 Bar
Crowdsourcing has been around for awhile (this 2006 Wired article nicely lays out the concept). Over the last three years, crowdsourcing has been applied to fundraising with stunning results on Kickstarter and Indiegogo (“Go fund yourself”), and the...

Decoding the ‘Voice of China’ Through Media Reports

Graham Webster
88 Bar
As U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wraps up meetings today in Beijing, it’s hard to say how her most recent Asia-Pacific trip has gone. And that’s partly because interpreting media reports from the Chinese side is more art than science.