Kristin Shi-Kupfer is the Director of the Research Area on Politics, Society, Media at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), a China think tank in Berlin. She was a China correspondent for various German-language media in Beijing from 2007 to 2011. Her current research and publications focus on China’s social change, digital society, and religious policy.

Last Updated: March 24, 2016
How To Fight China’s Sharp Power
There is a debate raging about China’s sharp power and how to defend against it, whether it’s investment screening, shuttering Confucius institutes, or forcing visa reciprocity for journalists. But how does a fractious, divided world not only resist...
What to Watch at China’s Party Congress
The Chinese Communist Party’s 19th Party Congress, a hugely important political meeting usually held once every five years, will begin on October 18 in Beijing. Like many events involving China’s ruling party, the most important decisions and...
What Would China Look Like Today Had Zhao Ziyang Survived?
Almost 500 previously unpublished documents about Zhao Ziyang, the bold reformer who served as China’s premier (1980-1987) and Communist Party general secretary (1987-1989), were smuggled out of China and published in late July by the Chinese...
Cracks in Xi Jinping’s Fortress?
Two remarkable documents emerged from China last week—the essay “A Thousand Yes-Men Cannot Equal One Honest Advisor,” which appeared on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and an open letter calling for Xi Jinping’s...
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As Many Feared, the New Law in Practice Seems Designed to Make Life Difficult for International Organizations.