Pandemic Responses Suffer from Common Ailments
As the world continues to reel from the COVID-19 pandemic, the onslaught of new developments, disrupted routines, and fast-evolving medical research and advice trap us in a kind of eternal present. Each day feels unprecedented. But, at least since...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.07.18Untreatable Gonorrhea Is on the Rise in China
The sexually transmitted disease gonorrhea is becoming resistant to the only two antibiotics left to treat it — and it’s spreading in China, according to new research
ChinaFile Recommends
09.12.17300 Tonnes of Diseased Pig Carcasses – the Latest Example of China's Pollution Crisis
Stomach-churning symbols of the environmental calamity facing China have never been in short supply: exploding watermelons, toxic running tracks, rivers that flow the colour of blood.
The China Africa Project
The U.S. and China Spend Millions Fighting Malaria in Africa, So Why Don’t They Work Together?
Both the United States and People’s Republic of China (P.R.C.) spend hundreds of millions of dollars to fight malaria in Africa. A pair of experts at the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia contend that if the U.S. and P.R.C. stopped working in...
The Condom Quandary
Asia Catalyst
Sex work is illegal in China, and law enforcement practices that focus on condoms as evidence of prostitution are having a negative impact on HIV prevention among sex workers. When Lanlan, who runs a community-based organization (CBO) and support...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.24.15China Shocks World by Genetically Engineering Human Embryos
Critics warn China's the ‘Wild West’ of genetic research, on its way to desiging children.
China Has Its Own Anti-Vaxxers—Blame the Internet
While health officials in the United States and parts of Europe wrestle with a growing anti-vaccination, or “anti-vaxxer” movement, China is dealing with a less organized but similarly serious fear of immunizations. Social media reveals traces of...
10.09.14Locals Attack Factory After Children Poisoned with Lead
from chinadialogue
Villagers from the township of Gangkou in Jiangxi province, southeast China, have smashed up a new lead recycling plant which was due to begin operating.Unconvinced by reassurances from the owners and local government that there would be no...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.29.14China’s Toilet Paper Makers Flush With Cash
China’s invention of toilet paper in the 6th century, came well ahead of the availability of modern toilet paper in the United States, where inventor Joseph Gayetty first marketed it in 1857.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.23.14Dozens Placed in Quarantine After China Plague Death
Part of a city in north-west China has been sealed off and dozens of people placed in quarantine after a man died of bubonic plague, state media say.
With Dietary Shift, China Facing Health Crisis
from chinadialogue
Tom Levitt: What are the dietary changes going on in China today?Barry Popkin: There are three or four big changes taking place. Firstly, people in China are purchasing more and more of their food from retailers, be they convenience stores, medium-...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.16.12China Now Eats Twice As Much Meat as the United States
Chinese demand for meat has quadrupled over 30 years and the nation now eats a quarter of the world supply.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.08.12Epidemic of TB Fueled by Deficient Treatment
One third of new cases and one half of people with previously treated TB in 2007 had a form of the disease that didn’t respond to medicine, according to research published in the New England Journal of Medicine today. At 5.7 percent, the presence of...
Toward a Healthy and Harmonious Life in China
World Bank
China’s 12th five-year plan (2011-2015) aims to promote inclusive, equitable growth and development by placing an increased emphasis on human development. Good health is an important component of human development, not only because it makes people’s...