Spy Vs. Spy: When is Cyberhacking Crossing the Line?
Vincent Ni: For a long time, Huawei has been accused by some American politicians of “spying on Americans for the Chinese government,” but their evidence has always been sketchy. They played on fear and possibility. I don’t agree or disagree with...
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05.17.13U.S. Blames China’s Military Directly for Cyberattacks
New York Times
Until now the administration avoided directly accusing the People’s Liberation Army of using cyberweapons against the United States in a deliberate, government-developed strategy to steal intellectual property and gain strategic advantage.
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04.30.13Mandiant: No Drop In Chinese Hacking Despite Talk
WSJ: China Real Time Report
The only change, Mandiant’s Chief Security Officer said, has been a noticeable drop in cyber attacks from Unit 61398, a group within the People’s Liberation Army that Mandiant accused in February 2013.
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03.14.13China Hacker’s Angst Opens A Window Onto Cyber-Espionage
Los Angeles Times
A P.L.A. hacker’s blog is discovered, providing a rare peek into the secretive hacking establishment of the Chinese military, in what is believed to be by far the world’s largest institutionalized hacking operation.
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02.26.13In Cyberspace, New Cold War
New York Times
The early 2013 cyberattacks and the U.S. government’s response illustrate how different the cyber-cold war between the U.S. and China is from the more familiar superpower conflicts of past decades.
Complaints, Nationalism, and Spoofs
This week, United States government and American media charges of Chinese cyberattacks have led to a variety of responses from netizens across China. On February 19, a CNN camera crew tried to shoot video of the twelve-story military-owned building...
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02.22.13Chinese Hackers Are Getting Dangerously Good At English
Foreign Policy
Chinese hackers are getting dangerously good at tricking users into clicking on what are known as “phishing emails” -- messages with links or attachments that seem innocuous, but actually dump spyware on recipients'...
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02.22.13ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.13Does China Have An Army Of Hackers?
New Yorker
The accumulated evidence should retire the old notion that China’s most sophisticated hackers are just patriots freelancing from their parents’ basements.
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02.22.13China Says Army Is Not Behind Attacks In Report
New York Times
Geng Yansheng, a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense, says “The claim by the Mandiant company that the Chinese military engages in Internet espionage has no foundation in fact.”
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.13What Do We Make Of The Chinese Hacking?
Is this recent hacking really something new? Or merely our "threat inflation,"* cued both to the impending sequestration menace and February 2013 SOTU mentions of new efforts in cyber-security?
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.13Authorities Reject Cyber Crime Accusation
Global Times
The report does not reflect the facts and is not professional, and the PLA has never supported any cyber espionage activities, China's defense ministry said on its official website in response to the accusation.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.13U.S.: Hacking Attacks Are Constant Topic Of Talks With China
Obama administration officials acknowledged that China’s involvement in cyber-attacks is a near-constant subject of conversation between the nations’ officials but that there have been few signs that China is willing to stop the attacks.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.20.13A Look At Mandiant, Allegations On China Hacking
Associated Press
An introduction to Mandiant, the details of its recent report on alleged government-affiliated Chinese hacking, why the report is significant, and potential backlash from the report.
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02.20.13Chinese Army Unit Is Seen as Tied to Hacking Against U.S.
New York Times
An unusually detailed 60-page study tracks for the first time individual members of the most sophisticated Chinese hacking group to the doorstep of the military unit’s headquarters.
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02.20.13U.S. Security Group Suspects P.L.A. Behind Hacking Attacks
A secretive Chinese military unit is believed to be behind a series of hacking attacks, prompting a strong denial by China and accusations that it was in fact the victim of U.S. hacking.