
Active Defense
Princeton University Press: Since the 1949 Communist Revolution, China has devised nine different military strategies, which the People’s Liberation Army (P.L.A.) calls “strategic guidelines.” What accounts for these numerous changes? Active Defense offers the first systematic look at China’s military strategy from the mid-20th century to today. Exploring the range and intensity of threats that China has faced, M. Taylor Fravel illuminates the nation’s past and present military goals and how China sought to achieve them, and offers a rich set of cases for deepening the study of change in military organizations.Drawing from diverse Chinese-language sources, including memoirs of leading generals, military histories, and document collections that have become available only in the last two decades, Fravel shows why transformations in military strategy were pursued at certain times and not others. He focuses on the military strategies adopted in 1956, 1980, and 1993—when the P.L.A. was attempting to wage war in a new kind of way—to show that China has pursued major change in its strategic guidelines when there has been a significant shift in the conduct of warfare in the international system and when the Chinese Communist Party has been united.Delving into the security threats China has faced over the last seven decades, Active Defense offers a detailed investigation into how and why states alter their defense policies.{chop}
China in the World Podcast
The Corrections Needed in the U.S.-China Relationship
from Carnegie China
Stephen Hadley, former national security advisor to President George W. Bush, argues that the United States took false comfort in China’s hide-and-bide strategy and failed to recognize that China would increasingly assert itself as it became more...
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02.13.18The ‘Globalisation’ of China's Military Power
China’s modernization of its armed forces is proceeding faster than many analysts expected.
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10.25.17China Has the World’s Biggest Military Force. Now Xi Jinping Wants It to Be the Best
South China Morning Post
The Chinese military will embark on a massive hardware upgrade and top personnel shake-up under President Xi Jinping’s orders for the PLA to become a world-class fighting force in the next three decades.
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08.02.17China’s Stunning Debut on the International Scene
This month, Chinese naval vessels departed the port of Zhanjiang for the East African country of Djibouti, the site of China’s first overseas military base, which is set to begin operations later this year. An editorial in the state-run Global Times...
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07.26.17China Agency Targets High-Tech Weapons Development
Financial Times
China has launched a military agency to develop state of the art weapons, the latest step in the country’s ambitions to transform its army into a modern fighting force. The Scientific Research Steering Committee was set up earlier this year but its...
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12.09.16China Takes Aim at South Korea’s Lotte After Missile Move
Financial Times
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Could China Now Defeat the United States in a Battle Over the South China Sea or Taiwan?
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06.21.16China’s New Y-20 Is The Largest Military Aircraft In Production
Popular Mechanics
With the codename “Kunpeng,” and the nickname “Chubby Girl,” this aircraft is set to fly with supplies, tanks, and troops....
Parading the People’s Republic
from China Heritage Quarterly
In light of the September 3, 2015, mega military parade held at Tiananmen Square in Beijing both to mark the seventieth anniversary of the end of Second Sino-Japanese War in 1945 and to acclaim the achievements of Xi Jinping, China’s Chairman of...
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09.01.15As Economy Falters, Military Parade Offers Chance to Burnish China’s Image
New York Times
China celebrates a new national holiday to honor the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.
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06.25.15China Military Declines to Confirm Djibouti Base Plan
Though all countries have an interest in region peace and stability says China's Defense Ministry, it declines to confirm Djibouti military base.
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03.05.15China 2015 Defense Budget to Grow 10.1 Pct, Lowest in 5 Years
Projected spending of $144.2 billion lowest in five years as country confronts economic slowdown.
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06.05.14China Under-Reports Defence Spending, Says US
China has under-reported its 2014 defense spending by about 20%, according to an annual report put out by the US defense department.
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01.29.14China Challenging U.S. Military Technological Edge: Pentagon Official
Chinese and Russian military developments are threatening to the U.S.’ technological edge.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.23.13China Gives Breakdown Of Its Military, Criticizes U.S.
For the first time ever Beijing outlined in broad strokes its People’s Liberation Army, which includes ground, air and naval forces. The defense white paper also took the U.S. to task for its shift to Asia, as well as the ongoing conflict in the...
Is Chinese Military Modernization a Threat to the United States?
Cato Institute
Both the Pentagon and a congressionally mandated commission recently issued studies on the Chinese military that overstated the threat to the United States posed by that force. In contrast, this paper attempts to place the modernizing Chinese...