Suisheng Zhao is Professor and Director of the Center for China-U.S. Cooperation at Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. He was a Campbell National Fellow at the Hoover Institution of Stanford University, an Associate Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Washington College in Maryland, an Associate Professor of Government and East Asian Politics at Colby College in Maine, and a visiting Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) at the University of California, San Diego.
Zhao is the founder and Editor of the Journal of Contemporary China and the author and editor of more than a dozen of books, including The Construction of Chinese Nationalism in the Early 21st Century: Domestic Sources and International Implications (2014); The Rise of China and Transformation of the U.S.-China Relationship: Forging Partnership in the Age of Strategic Mistrust (2013); China’s Search for Energy Security: Domestic Sources and International Implications (2012); China and East Asian Regionalism: Economic and Security Cooperation and Institution-Building (2012); In Search of China’s Development Model: Beyond the Beijing Consensus (2011); Village Elections in China (2010); China and the United States, Cooperation and Competition in Northeast Asia (2008); China-U.S. Relations Transformed: Perspectives and Strategic Interactions (2008), Debating Political Reform in China: Rule of Law versus Democratization (2006); A Nation-State by Construction: Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism (2004); Chinese Foreign Policy: Pragmatism and Strategic Behavior (2003); China and Democracy: Reconsidering the Prospects for a Democratic China (2000); and Across the Taiwan Strait: Mainland China, Taiwan, and the Crisis of 1995-96 (1999). His articles have appeared in Political Science Quarterly, The Wilson Quarterly, Washington Quarterly, International Politik, The Hague Journal of Democracy, European Financial Review, China Quarterly, World Affairs, Asian Survey, Asian Affairs, Journal of Democracy, Pacific Affairs, Communism and Post-Communism Studies, Problems of Post-Communism, and elsewhere.