ChinaFile Recommends
11.16.15China's Napoleon Complex
Foreign Affairs
With Deng’s political reforms in the 1980s and 1990s came increased discrimination based on appearance.
China’s Bottled Water Industry to Exploit Tibetan Plateau
from chinadialogue
Tibet wants to bottle up much more of the region’s water resources, despite shrinking glaciers and the impact that exploitation of precious resources would have on neighboring countries.This week, the Tibet Autonomous Region’s government released a...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.10.15China Decries Shenyang Pollution Called 'Worst Ever' by Activists
On Sunday pollution readings were about 50 times higher than that considered safe by the World Health Organization.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.06.15China's First Innovative Drug Approved NDA in the U.S.
China Daily
This is the first truly innovative drug manufactured in China that passes the audits of FDA and it is about to enter the NDA progress.
Sinica Podcast
Tu Youyou and the Nobel Prize
from Sinica Podcast
This week on Sinica, hosts Kaiser Kuo, Jeremy Goldkorn, and David Moser speak with Christina Larson and Ian Johnson about Tu Youyou, the scientist who recently shared a Nobel Prize in Medicine for her discovery of the anti-malaria compound...
An International Victory, Forged in China’s Tumultuous Past
On October 5, a share of this year’s Nobel Prize in medicine went to 84-year-old Chinese pharmacologist Tu Youyou for her discovery, decades ago, of the anti-malarial drug artemisinin. Tu and her team made the discovery during the Cultural...
Beijing Welcomes World’s First Smog-Eating Tower
from chinadialogue
Beijingers enjoyed a rare breath of fresh air this week. The city’s smog levels fell to their lowest levels in recent years, as authorities scrambled to shut down factories and curb car use so that China’s Second World War victory military parade...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.04.15Can the Chinese Government Get Its People to Like G.M.O.s?
New Yorker
Genetically modified food faces zealous public opposition and is largely banned from the marketplace.
Beijing’s Air Quality May Finally Be Improving ... But it Still Ain’t Great
In February, a Chinese celebrity journalist named Chai Jing released a video on the Internet about the damage air pollution was causing her country. During the week it was online (before Chinese censors pulled it down), people viewed the video 200...
Beijing’s Ban on Smoking Is Actually (Sort of) Working
They rarely trash hotel rooms or boast about drugs, but Chinese rock stars could at least be counted on to smoke. Now even that’s starting to change in the face of a smoking ban in China’s capital that shows little sign of burning out, almost two...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.19.15China’s Annual Dog-Eating Festival Prompts Social Media Firestorm
Washington Post
At a solstice festival in China 10,000 canines are said to be beaten, killed and cooked for human consumption.
A Miner’s China Dream
Over the four years I have known him, He Quangui, a gold miner from Shaanxi, has told me many times he wants to travel with me back to Beijing. It’s not just me he wants to visit. He dreams of going to the Chinese leadership’s compound, Zhongnanhai...
China’s Role in Illegal Trade of Toxic E-Waste Rising Sharply
from chinadialogue
Discarded smartphones and other gadgets are poisoning the environment and people in developing countries, where most of the world’s electronic waste (e-waste) is being dumped illegally and now involves criminal gangs, the UN’s environment arm warned...
China’s Long March To Safe Drinking Water
China Water Risk
China’s central government set ambitious goals to safeguard water quality in 2011, at the outset of the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015). Those goals targeted improvements from source-to-tap, earmarking a budget of nearly RMB 700 billion (U.S.$112...
Why Chinese Promote Confining New Mothers for a Month
HONG KONG—Giving birth is never easy, but for new Chinese mothers the month following a baby’s arrival is particularly fraught. Immediately after I became pregnant for the first time, I started to hear about zuoyuezi, or “sitting the month.” It’s a...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.16.15Vets Battle to save Stricken Panda in Shaanxi
China Daily
Vets are racing to treat a 5-year-old panda diagnosed with canine distemper at the Shaanxi Rare Wildlife Rescue and Breeding Research Center.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.16.15China Reports Sharp Rise in HIV Cases
Financial Times
China had nearly half a million people living with the virus or disease by the end of August last year, with 70,000 of them newly diagnosed in the first eight months of 2014, official statistics showed.
Can the Potato Help Feed China, Cut Pollution, and Alleviate Drought?
from chinadialogue
The Ministry of Agriculture’s move to make potatoes an increasingly important staple in Chinese kitchens, including the propagation of recipes that rely on the humble tuber, at first glance might appear slightly odd and surprising.The potato has...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.14.15Eating Alone in China
New Yorker
The first time I ate at a restaurant by myself, I live-tweeted the experience. “Hot-potting alone!” I enthused, posting a photo I’d taken of a burbling electric pot, ringed by plates of enoki mushrooms, plump squares of tofu, and green-bean-infused...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.14Here’s Where All Those Cheap Santa Hats and Plastic Snowmen Come from
The Chinese city of Yiwu, about 250 kilometers from Shanghai, is often referred to as China’s “Christmas village” thanks to the massive amount of holiday-related merchandise made there. Xinhua, China’s state-news agency, claims that 60% of the world...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.19.14In China, Expectant Dads Line Up to Experience Labor Pains
Wall Street Journal
He described the treatment as creating a three-part sensation: hot steel balls dropping on his stomach and then a hook being gouged into him, followed by the ripping of his innards. “I treated her to a French dinner after,” says Mr. Li.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.12.14China: Inside an Internet Gaming Disorder Rehab Center
Al Jazeera
There are about 113,000 Internet cafes and bars in China, according to official figures. Lower-end establishments are typically a sole means of accessing the Web for China’s migrant labor population and the poor—or at 24-hour locations, a place to...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.09.14Environmental Filmmakers Have Rare Impact in China
Associated Press
One clip shows a girl swatting flies from a younger child among piles of trash. Another has children blowing up used medical gloves like balloons. The footage is on the computer screen of Wang Jiuliang as he edits his second film about waste harming...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.05.14Shunyi Foreign Foster Parent of 11 Disappears, Critically Ill Child at Hospital
The Legal Daily reported Thursday that the girl, called Phoebe, is one of 11 ethnic Chinese foster children the man has been raising in various apartments around Beijing, most recently at Capital Paradise in Shunyi.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.25.14China Media: Public Smoking Ban
Papers welcome a proposed nation-wide ban on public smoking, while urging officials to tackle pollution problems. China has sought public opinion on its plans to prohibit tobacco advertising and ban smoking in public places, the Xinhua News Agency...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.21.14In Step to Lower Carbon Emissions, China Will Place a Limit on Coal Use in 2020
New York Times
In theory, coal consumption might increase beyond 2020, but some researchers say economic trends show the rate of growth in coal use slowing in coming years and peaking about 2020.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.07.14Dengue Kills Six in ‘Worst China Outbreak in Decades’
The outbreak is thought to have been exacerbated by the week-long holiday celebrating China's National Day. Daily health reports indicate that there are more than 1,000 new infections a day.
The Dark Side of the Boom
from chinadialogue
Just over a year ago, in July 2013, a report published in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put the health impacts of air pollution in China into an unusually clear framework: residents of south China, the report said...
China Grows An Interest in Organic Foods
Late last month, news broke that a major Chinese supplier of American fast food brands was peddling meat that violated food safety standards.How do such scandals affect the way people in China feed themselves and their families? Chang Tianle, a...
China Faces Long Battle to Clean Polluted Soil
from chinadialogue
This is the third of a special three-part series of investigations jointly run by chinadialogue and Yale Environment 360 with the support of the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. You can also read parts one and two.Luo Jinzhi is 52 and lives in...
Caixin Media
China Comes to Grips with Poisons Underfoot
Pollution that is easily perceptible in China's rivers and urban air has gotten a lot of attention in recent years.Now a less obvious environmental concern with equally serious repercussions—soil contamination—is getting the attention it...
With Dietary Shift, China Facing Health Crisis
from chinadialogue
Tom Levitt: What are the dietary changes going on in China today?Barry Popkin: There are three or four big changes taking place. Firstly, people in China are purchasing more and more of their food from retailers, be they convenience stores, medium-...
China’s Air Pollution Reporting is Misleading
from chinadialogue
China’s air pollution is being reported in a misleading way, blocking public understanding and enabling official inaction. Outdoor air pollution in China causes an estimated 1.2 million premature deaths and 25 million healthy years of life lost...
Distribution of Metals in Soils From Uncultivated Land, Soils From Rice Fields and in Rice Grown in the Area of an Industrial Complex With Metal Smelting and Processing Facilities in Hunan Province, China
Contamination of soil with a number of toxic metals, including cadmium and lead, is known to be an existing problem for many parts of Hunan province, China. High levels of these metals have also been reported for rice grown in many parts of the...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.06.14China Reports 11 New H7N9 Human Cases
Eleven Chinese people were confirmed to be infected with the H7N9 bird flu in four regions, with 8 in critical condition, according to local health authorities.
Banned Toxins Found in Kids’ Clothes Made in China
from chinadialogue
Toxic chemicals have been found in children’s clothes sold by Burberry, Adidas, Disney, and nine other brands, according to a report published by the campaign group Greenpeace. These chemicals can be ingested via hand-to-mouth contact, and then...
Caixin Media
Sip of Death Plagues River Villages
Cancer is claiming fewer lives these days, and Dr. Wang Shiren says he’s been caring for a steadily declining number of patients suffering from gastrointestinal disorders.Yet a decades-long health calamity continues to grip Huangmengying, a Henan...
Sinica Podcast
The Fate of Traditional Chinese Medicine
from Sinica Podcast
Bill Bishop swears by part of it. Jeremy Goldkorn swears regularly at it. Chances are you’ve got strong opinions on Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) yourself, which is why we’re delighted to be joined by James Palmer this week, author of The...
Sinica Podcast
What China is Getting Right
from Sinica Podcast
Complain as we might about life in China, the last thirty-four years or so haven’t been all bad: we have seen three decades of roughly ten percent GDP growth, a whole lot of people eating a whole lot better than they did, and impressive progress...
Sinica Podcast
Healthcare in China
from Sinica Podcast
The state of healthcare in China is in many ways better than it was in the era of the barefoot doctors, with average life expectancy in the country now trailing the United States by only three years and morbidity rates far lower too. But while even...
Enter the Dragon and the Elephant
Luo Xiaoyuan
Council on Foreign Relations
Among the emerging powers, China and India have long been critical to successfully addressing global health problems. Historically, infectious diseases that originated in either country have altered epidemiological patterns worldwide. The first...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.15.13China Pledges to Curb Auto Emissions, Reduce Air Pollution
Los Angeles Times
The Ministry of Environmental Protection pledged to cut vehicle emissions, the source of about a quarter of China's air pollution, but didn't explain implementation plans.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.21.12Food For Thought
Food companies play an ambivalent part in the fight against flab. China's packaged food sales are 3-4 times their 2002 level.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.01.12The Price of Blood: China Faces HIV/AIDS Epidemic
Near World AIDS Day, China's Vice Premier Li Keqiang said HIV/AIDS is "not only a medical issue but also a social challenge."
ChinaFile Recommends
10.23.12The Battle for Breakfast
Chinese love fast food but no Western chain has figured out how to please the hungry in the morning.
Hospital Staff Forced to Kowtow for Forgiveness at Patient’s Funeral
After a patient died allegedly from medical malpractice in Shaanxi province, the hospital’s president and more than 40 staff members put on heavy mourning garments and attended the patient’s funeral, where the president gave a tearful self-criticism...
Communicable Disease Risk Assessment and Interventions
Luo Xiaoyuan
World Health Organization
Communicable disease risk assessments are written and produced rapidly in response to acute humanitarian emergencies resulting from natural disasters, sudden conflict or civil strife. Risk assessments identify the communicable disease threats faced...
External Evaluation 2003–2007 - Safety and Effectiveness of Contraception in China
Luo Xiaoyuan
World Health Organization
HRP has a long history of successful collaboration in China. WHO is widely respected in that country, and HRP benefits from its prestige. Since 1979, HRP has helped establish and strengthen a network of research institutes and provided support to...
Health Policy and Systems Research in China
Luo Xiaoyuan
World Health Organization
This document, prepared by the China Network for Health Economics, WHO, TDR, and the Alliance - HPSR, is a product of the Health Policy Forum held in May 2004 in Beijing, with the participation of high-level policy-makers from central and provincial...
Economics of Malaria Control in China
Luo Xiaoyuan
World Health Organization
Government finance for healthcare in China declined during the 1990s. This coincided with the entry of Henan Province (population 90 million) into the consolidation phase of malaria control (in 1993), after a successful effort over the previous 25...