ChinaFile Recommends
05.03.18Laser from Chinese Base Aimed at U.S. Military Pilots in Africa’s Skies, Pentagon Charges
Wall Street Journal
Incidents in recent weeks increase tensions, threaten Flight safety, U.S. says
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.18U.S. Military Advantage over Russia and China 'Eroding,' Pentagon Says
The Pentagon unveiled its National Defense Strategy, a document that focuses on the "eroding" U.S. military advantage with regard to Russia and China, and will likely influence future spending on weapons systems and other military hardware.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.19.17China May Soon Establish Naval Base in U.S. Ally Pakistan
NBC News
Nuclear-armed Pakistan is a key ally of the United States — but the relationship is far from untroubled. And one of Washington's main geopolitical rivals appears ready to step in.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.07.17Beijing Lashes Out Over Pentagon Report on Chinese Military
Associated Press
Beijing says it is “firmly opposed” to a Pentagon report that highlighted China's construction of military facilities in the South China Sea and speculated that Beijing would likely build more bases overseas.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.25.17South China Sea: U.S. Warship Challenges China’s Claims with First Operation under Trump
A U.S. Navy destroyer has sailed close to a disputed South China Sea island controlled by China for the first time under U.S. President Donald Trump.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.22.17China Finishing South China Sea Buildings that Could House Missiles
China has nearly finished building almost two dozen structures on artificial islands in the South China Sea that appear designed to house long-range surface-to-air missiles, two U.S. officials told Reuters.
ChinaFile Recommends
02.05.17China’s Intelligent Weaponry Gets Smarter
New York Times
The Pentagon’s plan to bring A.I. to the military is taking shape as Chinese researchers assert themselves in the nascent technology field.
Did the Game Just Change in the South China Sea? (And What Should the U.S. Do About It?)
As the 14th annual Asia Security Summit—or the Shangri-La Dialogue, as it has come to be known—gets underway in Singapore, we asked contributors to comment on what appears to be a recent escalation in tensions between the U.S. and China over the two...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.12.15Pentagon Report: China Deploys MIRV Missile
Federation of American Scientists
For China to join the MIRV club strains China’s claim of having a minimum nuclear deterrent.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.06.14U.S. Tries Candor to Assure China on Cyberattacks
New York Times
The Pentagon’s emerging doctrine includes defending against cyberattacks on the United States and also using its cybertechnology against adversaries, including the Chinese.
ChinaFile Recommends
01.29.14China Challenging U.S. Military Technological Edge: Pentagon Official
Chinese and Russian military developments are threatening to the U.S.’ technological edge.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.17.13U.S. Blames China’s Military Directly for Cyberattacks
New York Times
Until now the administration avoided directly accusing the People’s Liberation Army of using cyberweapons against the United States in a deliberate, government-developed strategy to steal intellectual property and gain strategic advantage.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.10.13Pentagon Paying China – Yes, China – To Carry Data
Even if the data passing over the Chinese sattelite is encrypted, the coded traffic could be used to give Chinese cryptanalysts valuable clues about how the American military obfuscates its information.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.26.12Pentagon Preps Stealth Strike Force to Counter China
The U.S. military will over the next five years see each of its three main stealth warplane types deployed to bases near China.