Peak Xi Jinping?
The adulation of Xi Jinping, China’s State President, Party General Secretary, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, has yet to reach similar lofty heights as that of Mao Zedong. However, on September 3, the official Beijing media took a...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.13.13What’s China Got Against the U.S. Constitution?
Global Post
The Communist Party mouthpiece, People’s Daily, attacked America’s constitutional structure, claiming that “there is no such thing as democracy and freedom under U.S. constitutional governance.”
ChinaFile Recommends
05.31.13In China, Second Thoughts About ‘Dishonest Americans’ Column
New York Times
The column, launched in March, has provoked a backlash among ordinary Chinese at this targeting of the morals of another nation in the party’s flagship media.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.12.13Now Sharper, Xi Jinping’s ‘China Dream’ Marks Departure From Past
Wall Street Journal
A recent editorial elaboartes upon Xi’s ‘Chinese Dream’: “...realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation... [achieving] national prosperity, revitalization of the nation and its people’s happiness.”
ChinaFile Recommends
11.28.12How Onion Spoof Slipped Past China's Humor-challenged Great Firewall
Associated Press
A spoof article about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un being the sexiest man alive ended up a real news item in China as a result of Chinese whispers in the digital age.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.27.12People’s Daily Quotes the Onion: Kim Jong Eun ‘Sexiest Man Alive’
Wall Street Journal
Top Communist newspaper cited American satirical paper's slide show of North Korean leader.
Official Online Poll: Chinese Want Democracy
With China’s new leadership now set, Chinese Web users have turned their attention to answering the key question: “What’s next?” In concert with the 18th Party Congress, the website of Communist Party-sanctioned Peoples’s Daily hosted an...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.29.12China's People's Daily Launches Attack on The New York Times
The 1,500 word People's Daily editorial appeared to be a direct response to The New York Times's explosive exposé last week about the $2.7 billion (£1.67 billion) "hidden fortune" of the family of Chinese prime minister Wen...
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09.14.12Reading Deep Red
China Media Project
On the question of political reform, there is one important terminology in particular we should remain alert to if we hope to read, between the lines as it were, the larger political climate of the 18th National Congress: the “Four Basic Principles...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.14.12Winter For Chinese Media: Why So Many Respected Journalists Are Leaving the Field
Although the government’s control over news media has always been tight, the range and intensity of the purge this year has been rarely seen, suggesting that the censors’ controlling hand is tightening. As Wang Keqin, a former investigative...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.04.12Online Criticism Leads to Suspension of Military Official over Flight Fight
WSJ: China Real Time Report
A Chinese military official accused last week of assaulting a flight attendant has been suspended following an explosion of outrage online fed in part by rare criticism from state-run media. Col. Fang Daguo, a political commissar for the...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.27.12Editor Suicide Linked to Pressure
Radio Free Asia
The suicide this week of a top features editor at the Communist Party official newspaper People's Daily has sent shock waves through the tightly controlled world of China's state-run media, commentators said on Thursday. Xu Huaiqian, 45,...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.27.12Editor's Suicide Prompts Reflection, Reproach
China Media Project
News of the suicide last week of Xu Huaiqian (徐怀谦), the chief editor of the Earth (大地) supplement of the Party’s official People’s Daily, has prompted a burst of discussion on Chinese social media of the extraordinary pressures facing journalists in...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.24.12China Editor's Suicide Sparks Web Debate
The suicide of a senior editor working for China's Communist Party newspaper has sparked strong reaction from Chinese cultural and media circles and on the internet. Xu Huaiqian, 44, was editor-in-chief for the Dadi (Earth) supplement...
The People’s Daily Said What?
In the course of its dramatic growth, China often churns out unprecedented numbers. But few of them have been more controversial than the recently released National Revival Index, a formula devised to measure China’s economic and social development...