China’s Vision for World Order
In October, in front of leaders from Asia, Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, Xi Jinping stood triumphant in a celebratory keynote address celebrating the tenth birthday of his Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The speech,...

Overseas NGOs and Foundations and COVID in China
from The European Institute for Chinese Studies (EURICS)
The COVID crisis that enveloped Wuhan, Hubei province, and some other parts of China in late 2019 and early 2020 might, in another era, have encouraged China to temporarily relax constraints on international aid and engagement. In the current...
Will China Be a Global Vaccine Leader?
Beijing stands to reap major rewards by becoming the supplier of choice—or necessity—throughout low- and middle-income countries. China has expanded its international aid efforts in recent years and stressed its commitment to “south-south”...
How Is the Coronavirus Outbreak Affecting China’s Relations with Its Asian Neighbors?
How has China’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic—inside and outside of China—affected perceptions of China among countries in Asia? And how might this shape future policy toward China, or the regional policy landscape more broadly?
The China Africa Project
A Conservative American View on U.S.-China-Africa Relations
Colonel Chris Wyatt, Director of African Studies at the U.S. Army War College, joins Eric and Cobus to discuss a conservative U.S. foreign policy outlook regarding Africa and his views on Chinese engagement on the continent.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.26.18More of Africa Finds Itself in China’s Debt
Wall Street Journal
Chinese President Xi Jinping has signed a slate of investment deals during a weeklong tour of Africa, feeding into concerns in the West and on the continent over ballooning levels of indebtedness to Beijing and its expanding political footprint.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.26.18China Hasn’t Delivered on Its $24 Billion Philippines Promise
Of the 27 deals signed between China and the Philippines during Duterte’s visit to Beijing in October 2016, China originally agreed to provide $9 billion in soft loans, including a $3 billion credit line with the Bank of China, with a further $15...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.13.18China Sets up New Foreign Aid Agency to Better Project Influence Abroad
Washington Post
The communist government establishes a new agency to coordinate its foreign aid program.
The China Africa Project
China is Challenging the West’s Dominance in Foreign Aid
Quietly, and largely out of sight, China has emerged to become a major player in the foreign aid space, challenging institutions and norms long established by the West. Although China’s international development budgets remain a tightly guarded...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.19.17China’s "Rogue Aid" to Africa Isn't as Much or as Controversial as We Thought
A decade ago, a New York Times columnist coined the term “rogue aid” to describe China’s financial assistance in the developing world: nontransparent, nondemocratic, and above all self-interested. Since then, the label has stuck.
ChinaFile Recommends
10.11.17China Treats Its Foreign Aid Like a State Secret. New Research Aims to Reveal It.
Washington Post
Since the turn of the century, China has become an unavoidable global provider of foreign assistance, funding everything from opera houses in Algeria to tobacco farms in Zimbabwe.
The China Africa Project
The U.N.’s Role in China’s African Development Agenda
China’s embrace of multilateral diplomacy in Africa is a relatively new phenomenon. For years, Beijing rejected the Western aid model, preferring instead to work bilaterally with African governments where they often employed aid (or infrastructure)...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.17China Isn’t Displacing Traditional Aid Donors in Africa
Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi’s decision to make Africa his first stop on a five-nation tour in early January highlights the importance China places on its relations with Africa.
The China Africa Project
Is China a Partner or Predator in Africa (or Both)?
In this week’s episode of the China in Africa podcast, Matt Ferchen from the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center for Global Policy in Beijing joins Eric and Cobus to discuss his new paper on the perception gaps that exist around the world regarding China’s...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.17.16A Chinese Aid Project for Rwandan Farmers is More of a Gateway for Chinese Businesses
The Chinese approach to development cooperation does not separate aid, diplomacy, and commerce
Will Chinese Money Transform Pakistan?
from chinadialogue
The development of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has spurred debate in all quarters. Some perceive it as a form of neo-colonialism and criticize Pakistan’s government for promoting unethical business practices at the cost of ordinary...
ChinaFile Recommends
10.12.16Why Cambodia is Pinning its Hopes on Chinese President’s Visit
South China Morning Post
A country reeling from falling rice prices and foreign investment has its eyes on emergency aid and a boost in trade
ChinaFile Recommends
10.07.16Chinese Aid is Helping African Economies, but Not in the Places that Need it Most
Washington Post
New data shows that Chinese projects are disproportionately sited in the home towns of African leaders
ChinaFile Recommends
08.25.16China Military Says It Is Providing Medical Training for Syria
China has its own security concerns about violence in the region.
The China Africa Project
China’s Undeserved Reputation for Building Bad Infrastructure in Africa
The Chinese build more infrastructure than any other country (foreign or African) in Africa. Chinese banks are financing billions of dollars in new loans, aid packages, and other deals to build badly-needed infrastructure across the continent, and...
Visualizing China’s Aid to Africa
In June of last year, 50 countries signed on to the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, including the U.K., Germany, Australia, and South Korea, acknowledgement of China’s success in driving development through mega-projects to build...
Why China Isn’t Hosting Syrian Refugees
The civil war in Syria, now spanning almost half a decade, and the Islamic State’s territorial advances there have led to the world’s worst refugee crisis in decades. More than 4.7 million Syrians have left their homeland, pouring into neighboring...
The China Africa Project
FOCAC 6: A China-Africa Lovefest
The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) summit concluded in Johannesburg on December 5 amid an almost giddy atmosphere. All sides in this relationship seemingly walked away with more than what they had anticipated.Africa provided a welcome...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.25.15China Set to Pledge More Aid to Africa Ahead of Xi's Trip
China is set to announce new aid to African nations when President Xi Jinping visits Zimbabwe and South Africa next month.
The China Africa Project
Are the Good Times Over for China and Africa?
One of the prevailing media narratives of China’s recent economic turmoil is the effect that it could have on emerging markets, particularly in Africa. Now that the Chinese economy is showing real signs of slowing, the story goes, Beijing will soon...
The China Africa Project
China Starts to Play Nice with Foreign Aid Partners
New research from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in China indicates Beijing is starting to be more open about its international aid programs. If so, this would mark a significant change from the past where the Chinese government was...
Demand-Driven Data: How Partner Countries are Gathering Chinese Development Cooperation Information
United Nations
As China becomes one of the major development partners and South-South cooperation (SSC) providers globally, there is increasing demand from partner countries for more information on China’s financial flows. China has been taking initiatives to...
Is China Building Up Soft Power by Aiding Nepal?
A devastating earthquake has struck one of China’s smallest neighbors, the mountainous former kingdom known, since 2008, as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. Surrounded on three sides by India—known in Nepali as a “friendly nation”—Nepal...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.26.15Nepal Earthquake: India and China Send Rescue Teams to Himalayan Nation
Wall Street Journal
China sent 62 rescue workers, six sniffer dogs, and was providing about $3.2 million in supplies.
The China Africa Project
Cameroon Highlights Pros and Cons of Chinese Infrastructure Development
When finished, the new deep-sea port in the southern Cameroonian city of Kribi will likely become a major gateway for all of Central Africa. This will be Cameroon’s only deep-sea port that can accommodate the larger inter-continental trading ships...
The China Africa Project
China Steps up in West Africa to Help Fight Ebola
China appears to be leveraging the Ebola crisis in West Africa to radically improve its controversial foreign aid record. In contrast to Western countries, many of whom have evacuated their medical personnel from the region, China has sent teams of...
The China Africa Project
China & the U.S.: “Complementary Rivals” in Africa
There is a persistent meme within the international media that China’s rise in Africa represents a “new scramble” for resources on the continent or a new form of colonialism. Beijing-based China-Africa analyst and attorney Kai Xue says, contrary to...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.10.14China Touts $14.4 Billion in Foreign Aid, Half of Which Went to Africa
Wall Street Journal
Instead of focusing on support for pricey, high-profile infrastructure that is often a lightning rod for foreign critics who say it’s less necessary than basic on-the-ground needs, the report highlighted China’s spending on comparatively smaller-...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.10.14How “Rogue” Is China's Aid?
Washington Post
Moisés Naím has called Chinese development assistance “rogue aid,” claiming that it is nondemocratic and harmful to progress and to average citizens.
Global Development and Investment
Framing questions: In what ways do the U.S. and Chinese approaches to development and foreign investment differ? Are they evolving, and how? What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach both to the investing country and the recipient? In...
Enter the Dragon and the Elephant
Luo Xiaoyuan
Council on Foreign Relations
Among the emerging powers, China and India have long been critical to successfully addressing global health problems. Historically, infectious diseases that originated in either country have altered epidemiological patterns worldwide. The first...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.07.12The New Great Game in Central Asia
Foreign Affairs
In the last decade, the world has started taking more notice of Central Asia. For the United States and its allies, the region is a valuable supply hub for the Afghanistan war effort. For Russia, it is an arena in which to exert political influence...
China’s Assistance and Government-Sponsored Investment Activities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
Peony Lui
Congressional Research Service
In recent years, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has bolstered its diplomatic presence and garnered international goodwill in the developing world through financing infrastructure and natural resource development projects, assisting in the...
U.S.-Funded Assistance Programs in China
Peony Lui
Congressional Research Service
U.S. government support of rule of law and civil society programs in the People’s Republic of China constitutes a key component of its efforts to promote democratic change in China. Other related U.S. activities include participation in official...
China’s Foreign Aid Activities in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
Peony Lui
Congressional Research Service
In the past several years, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has bolstered its diplomatic presence and garnered international goodwill through its financing of infrastructure and natural resource development projects, assistance in the carrying...
U.S. Foreign Aid to East and South Asia: Selected Recipients
Peony Lui
Congressional Research Service
Since the war on terrorism began in 2001 and the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) and Global HIV/AIDS Initiative (GHAI) were launched in 2004, the United States has increased foreign aid spending dramatically in some regions, including East and...