The NYRB China Archive
‘Reeducating’ Xinjiang’s Muslims
from New York Review of Books
In a courtroom in Zharkent, Kazakhstan, in July 2018, a former kindergarten principal named Sayragul Sauytbay calmly described what Chinese officials continue to deny: a vast new gulag of “de-extremification training centers” has been created for...
Sinica Podcast
China’s Uighur Muslims, Under Pressure at Home and Abroad
from Sinica Podcast
By traveling not just to China’s Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, where 10 to 15 million Uighurs live, but also to Syria, where some have fled and taken up arms with militant groups, Associated Press reporter Gerry Shih sought to answer the most...
ChinaFile Recommends
01.19.18U.S. Military Advantage over Russia and China 'Eroding,' Pentagon Says
The Pentagon unveiled its National Defense Strategy, a document that focuses on the "eroding" U.S. military advantage with regard to Russia and China, and will likely influence future spending on weapons systems and other military hardware.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.22.17President Trump Has Imposed New Sanctions on North Korea and Chinese Trading Firms
The Trump administration imposed new sanctions Tuesday on a slew of North Korean shipping firms and Chinese trading companies in its latest push to isolate the rogue nation over its nuclear weapons development and deprive it of revenue.
Sinica Podcast
Straight Talk on North Korea and China
from Sinica Podcast
Lyle Goldstein, an associate professor and strategic researcher at the U.S. Naval War College’s China Maritime Studies Institute, is an expert on Chinese and Russian security strategies. He is also an insightful commentator on what is going on...
ChinaFile Recommends
06.18.17‘Islamic State Killings: China’s Censored Social Media Is in Uproar, so What’s Beijing Thinking?
South China Morning Post
The deaths of two Chinese prompt widespread calls for retribution. Beijing, seeking favour in the region with its Belt and Road Initiative, remains curiously silent.
Sinica Podcast
Jane Perlez: Chinese Foreign Relations in a New Age of Uncertainty
from Sinica Podcast
Jane Perlez has been a reporter at The New York Times since 1981. She won a Pulitzer Prize in 2009 for coverage of the war against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Pakistan and Afghanistan. She has reported on wars, diplomacy, and foreign policy from...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.02.17‘All-out Offensive’ in Xinjiang Risks Worsening Grievances
China is in the midst of what it calls a “people's war on terror” in its far west. What sparked this latest campaign was a knife attack.
ChinaFile Recommends
03.01.17ISIL Video Threatens China with ‘Rivers of Bloodshed’
Al Jazeera
ISIL fighters from China’s Uighur ethnic minority have vowed to return home and “shed blood like rivers” in what security experts said marked the first such threat against Chinese targets.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.29.16Xinjiang Attack: Four 'Terrorists' and One Bystander Killed, Says China
Assailants shot dead after driving up to regional Communist party headquarters and setting off bomb, according to official media, in flare-up in Uighur region
ChinaFile Recommends
11.30.16Michael Flynn, a Top Trump Adviser, Ties China and North Korea to Islamists
New York Times
Flynn believes China and N. Korea are allied with militant Islamists bent on imposing their religious ideology worldwide
The China Africa Project
The Honeymoon between China and Africa Is Over and That’s a Good Thing
It wasn’t that long ago when it was all smiles between the Chinese and Africans. The headlines were all about “win-win” development, China’s role in helping Africa to rise above its colonial past, and investment—lots and lots of Chinese investment...
More Than 100 Chinese Muslims Have Joined the Islamic State
A July 20 report from New America, a think tank in Washington, DC, examined more than 4,000 registration records of fighters who joined the Islamic State between mid-2013 and mid-2014.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.22.16Dalai Lama Shares Condolences For Orlando, Says U.S.-China Relations Is Important
Huffington Post
President Obama agrees that a meaningful and direct dialogue will help to lower tensions....
The China Africa Project
China’s Diplomatic Dilemma: Protecting its People and Property Overseas
Chinese special operations forces are training in the western deserts of Xinjiang in complex search and rescue missions, in environments that closely resemble North Africa or certain parts of the Middle East. Recently, these newly-trained military...
ChinaFile Recommends
12.27.15China Passes Controversial Anti-terrorism Law to Access Encrypted User Accounts
The new rules state that telecom operators and internet service providers must "provide technical support and assistance, including decryption" to Chinese authorities to help prevent and investigate terrorist activities.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.09.15China Denounces Dalai Lama's 'Sympathy' for Islamic State
"By saying, 'listen, understand and respect' them, it exposes, in his very bones, his sympathy or endorsement for IS."
How to Say ‘Islamic State’ in Mandarin
On December 6, the Islamic State released a slick recording of a Mandarin Chinese-language song glorifying jihad, in what seems to be a direct attempt to recruit Chinese Muslims to the terrorist group’s cause. “Awaken, Muslim brothers! Now is the...
The China Africa Project
Terrorism Forces its Way onto the China-Africa Agenda
Terrorism and security issues will likely move close to the top of the agenda when Xi Jinping meets with 50+ African counterparts at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation summit. China’s vulnerability to terrorism was brazenly exposed when ISIS...
China Censors Online Outcry After ISIS Execution
On November 18, the Islamic State (IS) released photos of what it claimed were two executed hostages. The photos, appearing in the terrorist group’s English-language magazine Dabiq, depict two men with bloodied faces, the word “executed” emblazoned...
Is China a Credible Partner in Fighting Terror?
In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris China’s foreign minister Wang Yi said, “China is also a victim of terrorism. The fight against the ‘East Turkestan Islamic Movement’… should become an important part of the international fight against...
ChinaFile Recommends
11.18.15Chinese security forces kill 17 in Xinjiang: Radio Free Asia
China has appealed for the international community to provide more help in its campaign against Xinjiang militants following the attacks in Paris.
ChinaFile Recommends
11.18.15ISIS Kills Norwegian And Chinese Hostages
International Business Times
Who Are Islamic State Victims Fan Jinghui And Ole Johan Grimsgaard?
ChinaFile Recommends
09.28.15Chinese President Xi Jinping Will Arrive At The UN Armed With A List Of Things He Wants Changed
Xi Jinping will make his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.11.15Islamic State Hostage Drama Underlines China’s Vulnerability
Wall Street Journal
Islamic State’s announcement this week that it had taken a Chinese man hostage underlined China’s growing vulnerability as it expands its footprint overseas.
ChinaFile Recommends
09.02.15Suspect in Bangkok Bombing Has Chinese Passport, Thailand Says
New York Times
The bombing was connected to the grievances of Uighurs who say they are oppressed by ethnic Han.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.23.15Suicide Bombings in China: Beyond Terrorism
A suicide bomber attacked a park in Heze in China’s Shandong province, killing two (including the bomber) and injuring 24, with three people receiving “relatively severe” injuries.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.15.15China Detains South Africans, Britons Accused of Viewing 'Terror' Videos
China detained nine foreign tourists including South Africans, Britons and an Indian national.
A New Era for China and Pakistan?
This week, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Islamabad and showered Pakistan with attention and promises of $46 billion in development support. What does this intensified Sino-Pakistani engagement mean for Asia and the rest of the world? —The...
ChinaFile Recommends
04.23.15China’s Big Plunge in Pakistan
New York Times
If China can advance a stable Pakistan through development programs, the whole region would benefit.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.22.15China Is Planning to Rebuild the Silk Road and Transform Global Trade Routes
Vice News
China plans to build a modern version of the Silk Road through Pakistan and beyond.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.21.15Xi Says Increasingly Confident in China-Pakistan Ties
Xi called for focus on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Gwadar Port, energy, transport infrastructure, and industrial cooperation.
ChinaFile Recommends
04.21.15What China’s and Pakistan’s Special Friendship Means
Washington Post
Sino-Pakistan friendship, read Islamabad billboards, "is higher than mountains, deeper than oceans, sweeter than honey, and stronger than steel."
ChinaFile Recommends
04.20.15China Defines Overall National Security Outlook in Draft Law
Economic security is the basis of national security, and military, cultural, as well as social security are safeguarding measures.
Are China and Russia Forging a New Ideological Bloc?
With evidence of ties strengthening between Beijing and Moscow—over energy contracts, the handling of the Ukraine, and their diplomats' stance toward outside interference in internal affairs, especially if it's perceived as coming from...
Caixin Media
Prosperity, International Cooperation, Civil Rights Key to Defeating Terror
The global fight against terrorism has entered a new stage with the emergence of the Islamic State (IS), and the battle lines have never been so clearly drawn all over the world.On February 18, Washington will host the Summit on Countering Violent...
ChinaFile Recommends
02.09.15Is China Making Its Own Terrorism Problem Worse?
Foreign Policy
Beijing's repressive policies toward members of its Uighur minority may be helping to strengthen ties to the Islamic State and al Qaeda.
Sinica Podcast
China and Charlie
from Sinica Podcast
First there were the terrorist attacks in Paris. And then there was the global reaction to the attacks, with its spate of frenzied free-speech cartooning. And then there was the counter-reaction to the initial reaction, which played out mostly on...
Why Did The West Weep for Paris But Not for Kunming?
In the days since the attacks that killed 12 people at the offices of the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, Chinese netizens have watched the outpouring of solidarity. As our colleagues at Foreign Policy reported earlier this week, the...
‘Where’s Our Unity March?’ China Wants to Know
The January 7 terrorist attack on satirical French newspaper Charlie Hebdo that left 12 dead has mostly inspired unity in the West, but the massive march held in its aftermath is spurring controversy, and even some disdain, in China. While the...
Should the U.S. Cooperate with China on Terrorism?
Richard Bernstein: Of course, they should. But can they? Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 in the United States, China has defined almost any dissent from its policies there as examples of international terrorism. It...
The NYRB China Archive
From China to Jihad?
from New York Review of Books
It’s a very long way from China’s arid Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region in the country’s far northwest to its semi-tropical borders with Vietnam, Laos, and Burma in the south, and then it’s another precarious distance from there, down rivers and...
ChinaFile Recommends
09.05.14'Capture' of Chinese national fighting with ISIS gives China jitters
It's not clear how many Chinese nationals may be fighting with the ISIS. Wu Sike, until recently China's special envoy to the Middle East, earlier stated that there could be about 100 of them.
Sinica Podcast
ISIS and China
from Sinica Podcast
With the recent capture of a Chinese ISIS soldier triggering speculation about the involvement of Chinese citizens in the Iraqi civil war, Kaiser Kuo and Jeremy Goldkorn are joined in our studio by Edward Wong from The New York Times and Prashant...
Beards and Muslim Headscarves Banned From Buses In One Xinjiang City
A city in China’s remote western Xinjiang region has temporarily banned men with beards and women with Muslim headscarves from taking public buses. The extreme security measure—to be implemented for the duration of a sports competition slated to...
ChinaFile Recommends
08.03.14China Says Violent Xinjiang Uprising Left Almost 100 Dead
Wall Street Journal
Chinese police gunned down 59 people and arrested 215 during a violent uprising last week in the Xinjiang region, the government said Sunday, in a statement that shed fresh light on what dissident groups had earlier described as a major clash in the...
ChinaFile Recommends
07.31.14Dozens Dead or Injured in Xinjiang ‘Terror,’ but Facts Are Few and Far Between
Two vastly different accounts have emerged about the a violent incident that occurred on the first day of the ‘Id al-Fitr festival, highlighting the difficulties of getting reliable information from the increasingly restless region.
ChinaFile Recommends
07.30.1422 Attackers Shot Dead in Xinjiang Violence as Extremists Wielding Axes Targeted Civilians
South China Morning Post
Attack on government office and police station follows series of violent incidents in restive province.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.30.14China Charges Four in Train Station Massacre
USA Today
Chinese authorities Monday charged four people with terrorism and murder in the March 1 knife massacre in the southwest city of Kunming, state media announced.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.24.14Web Preaches Jihad to China's Muslim Uighurs
Wall Street Journal
China says the Internet and social media incite terrorism among Uighur minority.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.24.14China Confirms Deadly Xinjiang Attack, Shows Graphic Footage of October Violence
Globe and Mail
Chinese authorities have confirmed an attack on security personal at a checkpoint in the restive far western region of Xinjiang, which a U.S.-backed radio service said left five dead.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.21.1413 ‘Thugs’ Die in Attack on China Police Station
USA Today
Chinese police shot dead 13 people who attacked a police station in the restive northwest region of Xinjiang Saturday morning, according to a report on the local government website and the state-run Xinhua news agency.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.13.14Is That Leg Loaded? Ai Weiwei Starts Web Craze With Mysterious ‘Leg-Gun’ Pose
The Chinese artist has sparked an internet meme by posting pictures of people with their legs raised and pointing like rifles. Is it his latest revolutionary act? A new dance craze? Or the next Angelina Jolie's thigh? We weigh up the options.
ChinaFile Recommends
06.12.14Capital Mobilizes Anti-Terrorism Volunteer Force
China Daily
Beijing has deployed an anti-terrorism force of about 850,000 urban volunteers to patrol its streets following recent terrorist attacks across the country.
The China Africa Project
Terrorism: U.S. and China’s Common Enemy in Africa
While U.S. and Chinese interests often have divergent interests in Africa, they do share at least one common enemy: terrorism. Chinese nationals have been kidnapped and held for ransom in a number of African countries, including South Sudan, Egypt,...
ChinaFile Recommends
05.28.14China’s Two Problems with the Uyghurs
Los Angeles Review of Books
Beijing has two problems with the Uyghurs, the Turkic-speaking, Central Asian people from China’s northwestern Xinjiang region. One problem is terrorism; the other problem is civil rights.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.28.14China Sentences 55 in Xinjiang Mass Trial
The public sentencing, reminiscent of China's revolutionary era rallies, attracted a crowd of 7,000 at a sports stadium in Yining city in the northern prefecture of Yili.
ChinaFile Recommends
05.23.14Residents Try to Move On After Terrorist Attack in China
New York Times
By the time the vehicles exploded at opposite ends of the block, 43 people were dead and more than 90 people were wounded, according to an updated casualty list.
“What’s Been Done to My Beautiful Homeland?”
Nigel Maiti, an ethnically Uighur host for Chinese state broadcaster CCTV, is a well-known and popular entertainer with more than 1 million followers on the social media site Sina Weibo. After 31 were killed by a coordinated bomb and truck attack at...