Public Security Minister’s Speech Describes Xi Jinping’s Direction of Mass Detentions in Xinjiang
An internal Chinese government document provides new support for the extraordinary scale of internment during what was likely its peak in 2018 and 2019. The document, a transcript of an internal June 15, 2018 speech by Minister of Public Security...
State of Surveillance
Across China, in its most crowded cities and tiniest hamlets, government officials are on an unprecedented surveillance shopping spree. The coordination of the resulting millions of cameras and other snooping technology spread across the country...
Zhejiang PSB Issues Certificate, Hong Kong Youth Visit Hubei
Since the establishment of the Guangdong PSB’s Foreign NGO Management Office on November 28, 2016, the office has provided registration and filing services. A total of 33 foreign NGO representative offices have been registered in Guangdong, and 474...
United Front Work Department’s Austrian Chapter Registers as a Foreign NGO in China
The Austria-China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association (奥地利中国和平统一促进会) registered a representative office in China on May 29, 2019. This is particularly noteworthy not only because it is the first Austrian group to register an office under...
Five More Foreign NGOs De-Register Representative Offices
According to information on the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) website, five foreign NGO representative offices have de-registered in recent months. This makes a total of seven foreign NGOs that registered after the Foreign NGO Law went into...
Where Can My NGO Find Contact Information for Public Security NGO Offices to Register or Report a Temporary Activity?
Foreign NGO registration occurs at the level of the province, which includes five autonomous regions (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, and Xinjiang) and four municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing). Each province has...
How Does My NGO File for a Temporary Activity in Multiple Provinces?
There does not appear to be one set answer to this question, despite the fact that a large number of successful temporary activity filings have taken place in multiple provinces. Different provincial Public Security Bureaus (PSBs) have offered...
Have Any Foreign NGOs Been Denied Registration or Had Their Temporary Activities Shut Down?
The China NGO Project is not aware of any groups who have been explicitly denied registration by the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) or by a provincial Public Security Bureau (PSB). Similarly, we are not aware of any groups who have had their...
Digitization in Fujian, Greater Bay Outreach in Guangdong, and a Symposium in Gansu
The Fujian Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Office, along with the Fujian Digital Department, has sped up the groundwork for establishing a “Digital Fujian.” This process of digitization includes the transition to digital...
Foreign NGO Publicity and ‘110 Day’ in Jiangsu and Anhui, Meetings with NGOs in Yunnan and Ningxia
Recently, the Jiangsu Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Department combined the two-year anniversary of the Foreign NGO Law with “110 Publicity Day” to actively promote the Law. [110 is China’s emergency police number.] The...
Two Temporary Activities Removed from Ministry of Public Security Database
The NGO Project has discovered that two temporary activities, previously listed on the Ministry of Public Security’s website, have been removed. The website does not provide any explanation for or recognition of this change.
‘Drop-in Service’ in Guangxi, Foreign NGO Visits in Hubei and Qinghai
In order to promote foreign NGOs’ and Chinese Partner Units’ (CPUs’) legal registration and filing, the Guangxi Public Security Bureau (PSB) recently rolled out “drop-in service.” This entails the PSB visiting relevant entities to publicize the law...
United States and China Hold Consultation about Foreign NGO Law
As agreed at the U.S.-China Social and Cultural Dialogue in September of this year, the U.S. State Department met with the Chinese government on December 14 to discuss U.S. NGOs in China. Though the State Department’s press release does not detail...
UPDATED: Provincial Public Security Bureau Not Sponsoring a Taiwanese NGO in Liaoning
The Ministry of Public Security (MPS) now lists the provincial Department of Commerce as the Taiwan Trade Center’s Professional Supervisory Unit (PSU) in Liaoning. The Taiwan Trade Center confirmed to The NGO Project that the Department of Commerce...
Representative Offices Registration and Temporary Activity Filing Processes: A Flowchart
Based on its discussions with various foreign NGOs (and with much-appreciated assistance from several experts), The China NGO Project has created the following flowchart to help show the differences between registering for a representative office...
A Note about MPS Data
In addition to downloading new data entries on a regular basis, The China NGO Project also periodically reconciles our data set with that on the MPS website, changing old entries to reflect the newest information provided by the MPS. That means that...
Progress in Implementing the Foreign NGO Law
After a slow start, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) and its provincial Public Security Bureaus (PSBs) seem to be finding their stride in implementing the Foreign NGO Law with the rate of registering representative offices and filing “temporary...
Poverty Alleviation Office Issues Foreign NGO Guidelines; Guangdong Chats with Hong Kong NGOs
The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development has issued guidelines for NGOs requesting the Office to serve as its Professional Supervisory Unit or as its Chinese Partner Unit for representative offices and temporary...
Forestry Administration Formulates Foreign NGO Guidelines; Ningxia Public Security Bureau Educates Local Police on Foreign NGO Law; Shanghai Public Security Bureau Meets with Canadian Consulate
The State Forestry Administration has formulated “Measures for State Forestry Administration Departments and Subordinate Units Managing Cooperation and Exchange with Foreign NGOs,” meant to regulate and guide offices within the State Forestry...
Sinica Podcast
China’s Tightening Grip on Cyberspace
from Sinica Podcast
Adam Segal returns to Sinica to comment on China’s recent cybersecurity law—where it came from, how it changed as it was being drafted, and how it may shape the flow of information in China in the future. Other issues discussed include the...
Shaanxi Public Security Bureau Talks Foreign NGOs with Hong Kong Government; Shandong Trains Local Police; Hainan Meets Local PSUs; Liaoning Chats with Slovenian Consulate
On August 16, the Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Office met with Italian NGO “International Cooperation Volunteer Group—Our Homeland,” and presented the group with its registration certificate. Also present were...
Updated: Ministry of Public Security Releases Guidance on Applying for Foreign NGO Work Permits
Today, in conjunction with the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) issued a “Notice on Handling Work Permits for Foreign Employees of Foreign NGOs and Related Issues.” This is the first official...
New Foreign NGO Employee Work Permit Rules; Shandong, Wuhan, Beijing, Henan Discuss Foreign NGO Law with Government Agencies and Chinese Partner Units
Today, the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued a “Notice on Handling Work Permits for Foreign Employees of Foreign NGOs and Related Issues” to recipients at the provincial level.
What If My NGO’s Application Is Rejected?
Can my organization appeal if public security officials reject our request to establish a representative office or prohibit our temporary activity?According to one source, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) has stated on multiple occasions that...
Foreign NGO Law Publicity in Gansu, Training for Domestic NGOs in Shanghai, University Meetings in Hubei and Jiangsu
The Fujian and Sichuan Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Offices granted registration certificates to foreign NGOs in their respective jurisdictions. Fujian gave certificates to The Chinese Art of Tea Craft Union, the Chinese Youth...
Hubei Public Security Bureau Discusses Foreign NGO Law at Local Universities, Beijing Meets Professional Supervisory Units, Shanghai Encourages a Foreign NGO to Register
Today, the Guangxi and Shaanxi Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Offices issued registration certificates to the Guangxi Business Association of Canada and Plan International (United States), respectively.
ChinaFile Recommends
Guangzhou Small Group Holds Training Class
According to the Guangzhou government website, Guangzhou’s Coordinating Small Group for Foreign NGO Management Work held a training class on July 11 and 12. Participants included representatives from all of the government entities represented in the...
Qinghai Public Security Bureau Meets with Foreign NGOs; Guizhou Makes Filing More Convenient; Four Provincial Public Security Bureaus Conduct University Outreach
On June 30, the Beijing Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Office granted registration certificates to 15 foreign NGOs: Ford Foundation (United States), Give2Asia (United States), The Asia Foundation (United States), Caterpillar...
New Analysis: Four More Previously Unlisted Entities Become Professional Supervisory Units
A total of six entities, not originally included in the Ministry of Public Security’s 2017 list of eligible Professional Supervisory Units (PSUs), have now sponsored foreign NGO representative offices. More details about the newest of these PSUs can...
Yunnan Public Security Bureau Meets with MSI Professional Services and Plan International
Today, the head of the Yunnan Public Security Bureau Foreign NGO Management Office met with representatives of MSI Professional Services (Hong Kong) and Plan International (United States). MSI thanked the Yunnan office for its guidance and warm...
Ministry of Public Security Logs More than 30 New Representative Offices on Its Foreign NGO Management Office Website
On June 28, the Ministry of Public Security added more than 30 new foreign NGO representative offices to its running tally, bringing the total of approved offices to 132. The China NGO Project notes that most of the new additions were for offices...
Chongqing Public Security Bureau Trains Other Government Agencies on Foreign NGO Law
Today, the Shanghai Public Security Bureau Foreign NGO Management Office presented registration certificates to twenty-one foreign NGO representative offices.
Which PSUs Listed by the MPS Are Not Yet Serving as Such?
As of June 16, more than six months after the Foreign NGO Law went into effect, 84 foreign NGOs have successfully registered 97 representative offices. Thirty-eight unique Chinese government entities at either the national or provincial level have...
Heilongjiang, Jilin, Shanghai, and Jiangsu Public Security Bureaus Conduct Outreach to Foreign NGOs, Universities, and Other Government Agencies
On June 12, the Guangxi Public Security Bureau Foreign NGO Management Office met with the foreign NGO Couleurs de Chine, including the NGO’s vice president, who was visiting from the group’s headquarters in France.
University Training on Foreign NGO Law in Heilongjiang; Hong Kong Groups Thank Hunan Public Security Bureau
Today, the Heilongjiang Public Security Bureau (PSB) Foreign NGO Management Office, in conjunction with Heilongjiang University, held a meeting on the Foreign NGO Law. In attendance were the university's international culture and education...
Henan Public Security Bureau Quizzes Employees on Foreign NGO Law; Beijing Explains Temporary Activity Filings
Here are our translations of the latest WeChat posts from the Ministry of Public Security related to Foreign NGOs.
Brochure: “Key Information about Registering a Foreign NGO Representative Office”
The Beijing Public Security Bureau Foreign NGO Management Office provides this brochure in paper form at its offices in Beijing’s Haidian District. The content of the brochure is identical to the information found in numbers 1-6 of the Guide for the...
Ministry of Public Security Appears to be Making New Organs Eligible to Sponsor Foreign NGOs
A comparison of the list of Professional Supervisory Units (PSUs) that have already sponsored foreign NGOs and the Ministry of Public Security’s (MPS’) list of eligible PSUs for 2017 shows that, as of June 1, two entities that were not on the...
New Foreign NGO Registrations in Beijing, Liaoning, and Guangxi
Today, the Beijing Public Security Bureau Foreign NGO Management Office granted representative office registration certificates to five more NGOs, including the Business Software Alliance (United States), The Nature Conservancy (United States), the...
Professional Supervisory Unit List Now Available as a Sortable Table
We’ve combined the Ministry of Public Security’s 2017 list of approved Professional Supervisory Units with China Law Translate’s translation of the same, creating a table that you can sort alphabetically by any column. Check out the table here.
Beijing Public Security Bureau Holds Foreign NGO Lecture at Renmin University
Today, Hunan granted approval for its first batch of Foreign NGO representative offices: the Institute for Integrated Rural Development (Hong Kong), the China-Britain Business Council, and Reading Dreams (Hong Kong).
German Political Foundations Register in Beijing
On May 23, the Beijing Public Security Bureau’s Foreign NGO Management Office presented four German organizations with their representative office registration certificates: Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Rosa Luxembourg...
New Rules for Foreign NGO Bank Accounts
On May 19, the People’s Bank of China and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the “Notice on Work Related to Foreign NGO Representative Offices’ Renminbi Bank Account Management” (关于做好境外非政府组织代表机构人民币银行账户管理有关工作的通知). According to the...
Ministry of Public Security Highlights Foreign NGOs’ Role in Belt and Road Initiative
Here are our translations of the latest WeChat posts from the Ministry of Public Security related to Foreign NGOs.
Beijing Normal University Releases Bilingual Foreign NGO Law FAQ
The Center for Charity Law at Beijing Normal University’s China Philanthropy Research Institute (CPRI), which runs a Foreign NGO Registration Support Program, issued a bilingual set of FAQs addressing 30 common questions related to foreign NGO...
We Called All of the Provincial Foreign NGO Management Offices So You Don’t Have To
As part of the fact-checking process for our FAQ on Ministry of Public Security (MPS) contact information—and keeping in mind previous reports that the National-level MPS Foreign NGO Management office initially didn’t have anyone answering the phone...
Qinghai Public Security Bureau Publicizes Law; Gansu Public Security Bureau Inspects Foreign NGO Service Window
Since April 2, the Ministry of Public Security’s Office for NGO Management has been posting updates on its work to a WeChat account. The following are translations of some recent posts. We’ll do these translations frequently and post them in our “...
ChinaFile Recommends
03.11.14Chinese Security Official Vows Harsh Punishment for Terrorists
Senior Chinese security official Meng Jianzhu on Sunday pledged to harshly punish terrorist attackers in accordance with law to ensure social stability.
ChinaFile Recommends
12.21.13Top Chinese Security Official Is Investigated
New York Times
Li Dongsheng, a vice minister of public security, is being investigated by the Communist Party for “suspected serious law and discipline violations,” according to Xinhua, the state news agency.